☆Chapter Thirty-Four☆

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°•° Fight Your Own Battles °•°

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°•° Fight Your Own Battles °•°

------------------- The walk to the principles office seemed to short, and in the matter of two short minutes I stood in front of the door, fighting back the anger just waiting to burst inside of me.

"Will you be okay Brett?" Anderson questioned from behind me, "Yeah, I'll be just fine." I gritted out between clenched teeth.

I wanted to beat the shit out of Mr. Blackbourne, and if he kept bothering me; and trying to climb his way back into my life---after everything that had happened--he had another fucking thing coming.

I wasn't backing down, and if the motherfucker wanted a fight, well a fight he would fucking get.

"Give him hell, Brett." Anderson grinned and walked back down the hall to HR.
I knocked on the door and waited until the door was opened.

Which it was in a matter of seconds.

"What do you want?" I hissed as I slammed the door behind me,"I need to go back to class; I'd like to graduate this year, you know." I shouted, but Mr. Blackbourne's face remained emotionless-but hurt reflected deeply in his eyes.

"One moment and you can leave." He pleaded, placing his hand on the doorknob, as to keep me from leaving.
"Why?" I spoke tiredly, with a frown on my face as I plopped down in his chair behind his desk.

"I wanted to let you know that we're getting closer to being able to capture Volto," Mr. Blackbourne explained, sighing as his finger pushed his glasses up the bridge of his perfect nose.

Why did I find myself still attracted to him?

"Cool," I replied offhandedly, not reacting as his rested his hands on his hips, "is that all? I have to get to class." I smiled coldly, before standing up and moving towards the door.

"That's not everything, Brett." He sighed, before grabbing my hand and slamming me against the wall before his lips slammed on mine.
I clenched my fists as he held me sweetly before pulling my knee up and slamming it against his dick; Hard.

I smiled as he fell to the ground in pain before kicking him across the face before I stalked out of his office, steaming.

Damn that felt good.

But, he never should have tried to kiss me--he didn't get to any of that anymore--and he had only himself--and North to blame.

"Calm down Brett," I coached, as I stalked back to homeroom, "control your fucking temper!" I told myself sternly.

"But that motherfucking dickhead..." I steamed, as my anger came rushing back, I kicked a locker before I ran back the rest of the way and until I was back in my seat.

"You okay?" Atlas whispered as Wil slid his notes my way, "I'm fine. Thanks Wil," I smiled at gratefully before I took out my own notebook and pen to copy them down.

As class continued; Atlas, Wil, and Anderson watched me warily--knowing I wasn't telling them something.

"I'll tell you later, right now I want to focus on schoolwork." I whispered to them before they accepted my answer, nodding.

------------- "You're telling me that you busted Owen's testicles---and kicked him across the face after he kissed you?" Wil's mouth dropped open in awe as we waited outside after school.
I had thankfully finished all of my homework as.we waited outside--earlier this morning I told Brandon to pick me up a little after four as I could catch up with Atlas and Wil.

"Damn girl, you have nuts," Atlas grinned slowly as his eyes strayed to behind Wil and I.

"Holy fuck," his mouth practically watered as his eyes widened, "look what the fucking bear dragged in..." Atlas purred.

"Bro, okay? Your salivating!" I asked, concerned.

What the hell was wrong with him? I looked behind me and immediately understood.

Where is my holy water? I thought to myself as I watched Raven smirk as he pulled his sunglasses off

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Where is my holy water? I thought to myself as I watched Raven smirk as he pulled his sunglasses off.

For some odd fucking reason, he had he entire shirt unbuttoned---not that I minded--but damn I would be distracted.

You were the who was underneath him last night---oh, and this morning. My subconscious purred, as he crooked a finger at me, guestering for me to come to him.

I swallowed hard and looked back at my friends, "You are one lucky bitch." Wil gaped as I shyly smiled nodded, "I know---I can hardly believe it. Can I tell you guys something?" I asked them with a smile as I picked up my shit.

"Sure B!" Atlas grinned and hugged me before he pulled away to sit next to Wil.

"That man can really use his tongue." I smirked and wiggled my brows as they hollered and cheered.

"OH MY GAWD!" Atlas jumped up and down before gripping my shoulders, shaking me frantically.

"My little girl is growing up so fast!" He kissed my cheek before pushing me in the direction Raven was.

"Get it bitch!" He whispered as I blushed hotly, why did I tell them that again?

To stake your claim, that stupid little voice inside my head rejoices, jumping up and down.

No way...did I?

My feet shook as I walked quickly to Raven, who smiled softly as he watched my short legs move towards him rapidly.

I could feel the eyes of Ashley Waters watching me.

"Kotenok!" Raven boomed as he crossed the few feet between us and picked me up, his large hands squeezing my hips gently as his mouth landed on mine, kissing me senseless.

Wow, this Russian can kiss...

His hand tangled in my hair and tugged it playfully before he pulled away,

"Come Kotenok, I want to show you my favorite place!" He smiled before tucking me inside the SUV.

"So, where are we going?"

"You will soon, yes?" He grinned and strapped himself in the drivers seat. I swallowed nervously; remembering Brandon telling me of Raven's driving.

"Buckle up Kotenok!" He grinned as he turned the ignition.

And faster than the speed of light, I buckled in, just in time for him to gun the fuckinf engine.

"MOTHERFUCKER! SAVE ME!" I cried as Raven kept to the middle of the road,heading in the direction of a large truck.

We were going to fucking die.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

Soooo, where do you think Raven is taking her?

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