☆Chapter Five☆

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                           (Song Above: Blood Sweat & Tears - BTS)                                                   

                       {I DON'T OWN ANYTHING BUT MY OCs AND PARTS OF THE PLOT!}                                                       

                                                                               ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ 

                                                                       "Glorified Babysitters"


I never expected to almost have a heart attack just after I started to get my life together. But, alas, here I was cowering against the wall with a rolling pin raised in defense against a hot blond man who had broken into my home. He had a large cheery grin on his face as he rubbed his cheek, where a red mark had appeared after I had thrown a piping-hot pancake at his face. "Luke! What the hell did you do?" A male voice, that sounded familiar, barked as I slid down the wall, as my casted foot gave out. My head turned in the direction of the loud footsteps, and my eyes had caught onto beautiful green eyes. Sean. "I-I'm fine, I promise." I gave Sean a reassuring smile as he helped me off the ground. Sean raised his eyebrows as he looked over my frame, "Why were your crutches at the bottom of the staircase?" He asked lowly as I winced, "I had to get upstairs!" I laughed it off slowly, "So who is the guy who broke into my house?" I asked, aiming a glare at the cheery blond, who at the moment was eating my pancake, before he trotted downstairs. 

Sean laughed, all the while patting my head, "That's just Luke, our brother." He assured as he helped me up. I blushed hotly as I slipped and before I could fall, Sean's warm hands grasped my bare waist, slowly running his warm hands around my waist. His eyes widened as his eyes trailed down my frame. From the dim lighting of the hallway, I could see redness creep up his neck. I cleared my throat as I threw an arm around his shoulder as he supported me. 

"Let's get you downstairs, Pumpkin. Gabe, Owen, Luke and North came with me to drop off your meds." He smiled and I looked down and winced at the mention of medication. I didn't want to take it; it was only too easy to get addicted. That was a fear I had always had; I had personally seen what it does to a person. But on the other hand, I was grateful that they came over here to deliver the meds. It was sweet of them. "Thank you," I smiled at Sean as he settled me on the large couch in the living room. He smiled and patted my hand before he took a seat beside me. "Now, take one of these morning and night, and it should help with the pain." He spoke as he shook a bottle of pain meds. I nodded and took the small bottle and sat it beside me on the coffee table before I tuned in to the conversations around me. 

As I was trying to eavesdrop, Gaberiel tapped my shoulder, and I turned my attention onto him. "Hi Gabe," I smiled softly, pushing blond strands of hair away from my face. Gabriel didn't reply, only bit down on his plump bottom lip as his watched me comb through my hair. Suddenly, he twirled my strands of hair around his fingers, and I smiled, "Can you braid?" I asked quietly, "I've never been good at it, to be honest..." I trailed off embarrassed. Gabriel grinned, "There's nothing to be embarrassed about, Sparky. I'll do your beautiful fucking hair!" He whisper-shouted. I giggled in relief before I turned around and handed him my brush that I had put on the table an hour prior. "Just sit back and relax, Sparks! I'll take care of you," He breathed, his lips coming close to my ear. A shiver raced down my spine, as tingles erupted from where his warm finger ghosted across the nape of my neck. 

"Okay," I replied quietly as I closed my eyes as his finger massaged my scalp. Good Lord, I could get used to this. This was an entirely different feeling, a man (who I wasn't related to) taking care of me. My ex never did any of this for me, but on the other hand, I didn't want him to. Even if I sound heartless, I was relieved I wasn't tied to him anymore, plus the only reason I agreed to be his girlfriend, was because I felt obligated. "You okay there Sparky?" Gabriel questioned as he weaved strands of my hair together. I nodded mutely, "Yes, I'm fine." I smiled a little before I handed him the hair-tie that was around my wrist.

"Miss. Brett? Dr. Roberts has told us of your desire to attend a public school. If you wish, I can enroll you." My eyes shot open as Mr. Blackbourne spoke directly to me and I smiled widely, "Yes sir! Thank you," I giggle as Gabriel tickled my side a little before, he tapped my shoulder, signaling he was finished with my hair.  "Thanks," I smiled, "When is Gramps coming home?" I asked Sean trying to ignore the tingles shooting up my spine from where his firm around wrapped around my shoulder. Sean hummed while checking the watch on his wrist, "Probably in about thirty minutes, his shift ends in about ten minutes." He soothed and my shoulders dropped in relief. It was around nine O'clock, so I was getting worried about what was keeping him. I was anxious for Gramps to get home; I was never good at holding conversations with people I didn't know very well. I grabbed the blanket I was using a few hours prior and covered up my bare legs, before I busied myself with twisted the sparse threads on the blanket. 

"Sparky?"  I jumped slightly as Gabriel's voice scared me from my daze before I replied, "Yeah?" before I looked into his eyes. He smiled and as he opened his mouth to speak, I caught a silver glint within his mouth, "Do you want to head to bed?" I shook my head, "I'm not tired yet, but can you help me to my room? I have clothes and shoes to put up that I got today." I asked him, his eyes lit up and he nodded. "Hell yes! This is going to be fun! Hey North! Can you carry Sparky up to her room?" He yelled over to the dark-clothed giant, before he looked back down at me, "I'll go get your things, North put them all in your car before we left." He spoke softly before leaving, shutting the front door gently behind him. I looked down at my casted foot as I heard North get up, and his heavy footfalls getting closer to where I was. A blush decorated my face as he came closer and I could smell his cologne, a light musk. I looked up with a tiny smile, I held up my small arms before he leaned down and swooped me up in his large, strong arms. My face grew redder as I circled my arms around his neck, "Thank you," I whispered as he started climbing up the stairs. He looked down at me softly before nodding. As North came to the top of the stairs, I busied myself by looking up his jawline, which was partially covered by dark course hair. "Which one is your room?" He asked gruffly as he tightened his grip on my thigh, I pointed to the first door, and opened the door before he carried me inside. 

North gently lowered me onto my bed and let me down. I smiled at him before I fluffed up my pillows on my bed. "You seem sad," I observed quietly, looking up at him beneath my lashes. North breathed deeply before he sat on the floor in front of me, "Not sad--guilty." He closed his eyes and shood his head. "Why?" I asked, sitting up. "Because I hurt you." He spat out, staring at the floor, refusing to meet my enquiring gaze. "It isn't your fault. It was an accident. It could've happened to anyone."   I explained. North nodded but didn't look like he believed me in the slightest. "Please don't blame yourself." I pleaded. I gently place my hand on his arm and suddenly he shot up and hugged me gently. I blushed deeply and cuddled my face into his neck. I fingered the medallion around his neck before my eyes switched to the golden hoop in his left ear. As he held me, I ran my thumb on the medallion, "Brother." I whispered finally remembering what the Japanese symbol meant. North looked down at me and spoke, "Luke gave it to me when we were twelve." He said and I nodded, dazed, continuing to look into his eyes. 

North stared back into my eyes, refusing to look away as I blushed. "What a pretty blush," He mumbled, as he brought his large hand to my face, and rubbed my cheek. I closed my eyes and nuzzled into his hand. My eyes popped open when his hand left my face as he cleared his throat before moving backwards slightly. I cocked a brow before looking behind me to see a smirking Gabriel in the doorway of my room, holding my bags. 

"Don't stop on my account!" He cackled. 

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