☆Chapter Nine☆

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              °•° The Lion's Den °•°

Sweetheart? I had no idea if I had translated that correctly in my head. "Brett?" Gabriel nudged me from his spot next to me. "Yeah?" I blinked up at him owlishly. "Eat." He grinned--pointing his fork in my direction before aiming it to the untouched food on my plate. "Okay," I mumbled, my shoulders caving in slightly as all nine of them watched me eat. 

I couldn't stand when people watched me eat; but I didn't seem to feel as pissed as I expected.

These people were softening my cold heart.

Shortly after introductions were made--Gabriel and Luke dragged me away to sit in between them. I was grateful to be a little away from North--who hadn't let me out of his sight for the past fifteen minutes. 

"Silas! Erica called asking for us to save poor Brett from the lion's den," a golden tanned boy smirked, walking into the room.

"Atlas," Silas chided smiling warmly, before looking over to me, "This is Atlas--my younger brother...he will be going to Ashley Waters with you." He introduced.

"Hi," I smiled, waving.

"C'mon sweetcheeks, Wil's waiting in the car!" He grinned brightly before lifting me into his arms before walking off. The Blackbourne Clan stood up, shell shocked as they watched Atlas carry me out of the house--before shutting me inside a Toyota.
"She'll be safe with us!" Atlas called before hurriedly getting inside the passenger side as the boy next to him drove off.
"Thanks for the save!" I grinned brightly; the boy who was driving looked back at me with a large smile.
"No problem! When Erica called and told us about the while situation--we had to save you."

Thank God for Wil and Atlas.

"At least we're not the only people who've made fools of ourselves in front of them." Atlas winced, more than likely having a flashback.

"Where are we going?" I spoke up with a smile. I could see myself being friends with these two.

"Uncle's Diner. He and Erica were the two who schemed this whole thing."

Ah, I could always count on Uncle and Erica to save the day.

--------------- "I do not have a crush!" I spoke, lifting my chin defiantly, looking straight into Uncle's eyes. I would have never came here if I knew Uncle would tease me about having a crush on his nephew.
"Really?" His eyebrows raised in amusement as he stared me down.
"I won't lie---" I stopped seeing his victorious smirk, "I don't have a crush--I just think he's fine as fuck."

"Of course, he is! He's related to Ben," Erica stated obviously as she smiled up at her boyfriend. Uncle's cheeks reddened as he looked away from us, walking in the direction of the kitchen.
"You two will be the death of me!" He called over his shoulder as we laughed.
"So...?" Erica questioned, running her hands through my hair. I leaned my head against her shoulder and replied,

"Nerve wracking to say the least--"

"They wouldn't take their eyes off of her for a second." Atlas cut in smirking.

"Atlas-" Wil warned as he took a seat beside me. While the three of us were on our way over here--we noticed we had more in common than we originally thought.
All things aside; we became fast friends.
I was thankful that I would have a couple friends with me when I started school for the first time ever.

Not to toot my own fucking horn--but I was proud of myself for making my own friends and opening up to someone that I didn't consider family.

"Brett! I had the most perfect idea!" Wil gushed, squeezing my arm, my eyebrows furrowed before I grinned, "What is it?" I couldn't help but be curious. 

"Let's go out tonight! We'll show you what Charleston really has to offer!"

"What do you say?" Atlas wiggled his brows in humor. I bit my lip, "I don't think Gramps would let me." I replied sadly. It would be amazing to travel around the nightlife of Charleston. 

"I have a solution--" Erica started off.


"You three come to stay the night with me--and I'll allow you three to go look around. You're all about to turn eighteen--and you're the most responsible teenagers I know." She grinned

"Fuck yeah!


"You're the best!"

"But--" She drawled with a wicked grin, "If you three encounter any trouble--call Kota." She leveled us with her scary 'mom' glare that had the three of us nodding frantically in agreement. Erica Lee was not a lady to be trifled with.   

"Yes Ma'am!" The three of us chorused grinning. 

"Brett, you already know you have a room at the house--you two will sleep in Jessica's old room."  

A few weeks ago, Erica was kind enough to clean out Kota's old room, redecorate it--and gave it to me whenever I stay over. Since I had come back to Charleston, I had spent multiple nights over at Erica's house when Gramps had to leave to work twelve hour shifts at the hospital. 

She also got lonely after Jess left for college and moved in with her boyfriend--and I was more than happy to spend time with my honorary second mom. 

"Thanks Erica!" I laughed excitedly, hugging her tightly. 

"Anytime babe---now you guys go and grab a change of clothes." She ordered playfully as Uncle swung her back into his arms. 

"Let's go!" Atlas urged as he stood up, following Wil to the car, while dragging along with him.

I appreciate being treated as if I wasn't a piece of fragile glass that could break at any given moment.

------------- AFTER I HAD MET CHARLIE, Atlas' dad we were able to swing by my house to get some clothes and other necessities four our stay at Erica's house. I had let Atlas pick out my outfit for tonight--and I had yet to see what he had chosen. I just prayed to the good lord it wasn't terrible or too revealing. "It isn't that bad dude," Atlas sighed, rolling his golden-toned eyes as I questioned him, yet again, about my outfit.  

"Sorry for being worried," I snipped back grinning as I looked back at him from the passenger seat. 




"Cunt." I smirked, knowing I won this little pissing contest between us. "You win!" He raised his arms up in defeat. I grinned and fist-bumped Wil. 

I had a feeling our friendship would last a lifetime.

At least I hoped. 

  ----- Hi guys! I know this chapter was a little boring--but this is just a look into Atlas, Wil, and Brett's friendship, her relationship with Erica and Uncle. But I PROMISE that the next chapter will have a little more one-on-one time with the boys and a little action *smirking deviously* Until next time!------- 

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