☆Chapter Eight☆

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  °•° Owen Blackbourne's Darling °•°

"Gabriel, please release Miss. Brett." Mr. Blackbourne commanded as we cam into veiw. I gulped and willed myself to continue to hold eye contact with the intimidating man.
Gabriel smiled softly and sat down, and placed me beside him on the large sofa--which would fit twenty Brett's on it.
"Brett, here are your classes for this semester." Gramps handed me a peice of paper, and I grinned and glanced over it.
"It seems great. Thank you sir!" I giggled brightly, smiling at Mr. Blackbourne. His eyes widened slightly before he gave me a millimeter smile which shocked the hell outta Gramps.
"Of course."
"Where are the others Owen?" Gabriel questioned, throwing an arm around me, pulling me to his chest.

"The boys are preparing lunch for Dr. Roberts and Miss. Brett."

"The hell!? You actually let Sean into the kitchen!? He'll kill us all!" Gabriel gaped. I snickered underneath my breath at the utter horror portrayed on his handsome face.
"Sean is under the supervision of North and Luke, Gabriel. It will be fine...I hope." Mr. Blackbourne added as an afterthought.

"Is his cooking that bad?" I whispered to Gabriel as a beeping sound came from Gramps pocket.
"...I need to leave," Gramps stood up quickly, and I followed him--hobbling on my unsteady legs.

"Can she stay here Doc?" Gabriel asked

Oh hell.

"Uh--that's not nesscessary Gabriel! I told Uncle I would spent time with him today!" I smiled at Gramps--hoping he would recognize the hidden plea of my words.

No such fuckin' luck.

"I would take you with me Bud--but this is an emergency. You'll watch over her Owen?" Gramps leveled his stern gaze on Mr. Blackbourne--who by the way-- didn't blink nor take his eyes off me.

"It would be my pleasure."

Why did I detect a double meaning to his words? When my eyes connected to his--my face flush at the dominance of his body language as he stared me down while Gramps fled from the room in a rush.

"...bye!" I called out to Gramps' retreating figure.

When I turned back to face Gabriel and the silence of the room-i was met with a smirking Gabriel who held his arms open.
"Cuddle?" I asked unsurely, clenching my blanket between my shaking fingers. This wonderful blanket which had been with me a long time, was doing nothing--not a motherfucking thing to ease my nerves.
"Of course!"

Without waiting anymore, I limped to the couch and sat next to Gabriel under the unyielding gaze of Mr. Blackbourne.
"Thanks for getting my schedule ready Mr. B." I spoke through a yawn as my head lulled onto Gabriel's shoulder.

"Anytime darling." He replied as my eyes slowly closed, as the peacefulness of sleep overtook my aching body.

------------ IT MAY HAVE BEEN HOURS LATER, but voices woke me up. I could still feel the warmth of Gabriel's body againt mine as I snuggled into him. While I had been snoozing, it seemed I had been moved--so I now laid across Gabriel's body.
My cheeks flushed but thankfully the blanket covered my reddening cheeks. "Dinners ready Owen. Should we wake her?"


I knew that voice from anywhere, but I was hoping I didn't have to hear it for at least a couple more weeks.


"I talked to Dr. Roberts--who thankfully let me know that Miss. Brett hasn't ate today."

"She hasn't ate?!" North's voice started getting louder, "It's five O'clock Owen! Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Keep quiet fucktard! You'll wake Sparky!" Gabriel's chest rumbled as he hissed the words to the quarreling pair.

"My apologies--"


I smiled against Gabriel's chest as his chest rumbled. "Gabriel?" I mumbled sleepily, thanking the good lord I was able to act quickly.

"Did we wake you? Oy! I told you dumbasses to be quiet!"

"They didn't wake me--promise!" I smiled and sat up stretching my arms above my head.

"Ahem--" Mr. Blackbourne suddenly cleared his throat loudly--his eyes trained on my chest. My brows furrowed and I finally looked and and yanked my shirt down.

"Excuse me." My voice shook shyly.

"Let's go meet Kota, Victor and the others," North rumbled lowly as he scratched his neck, revealing more of his tattoos.

I quickly looked away before I started fucking drooling. God, that would be so damn embarrassing. Luckily, they didn't notice and that's when I took the chance to get up.
Only for my leg to collapse underneath me.
"Shit!" I winced as the pain in my ankle flared.
North, Owen, and Gabriel lunged to catch me before it hit the floor. When I finally landed safely in a strong pair of arms, only then did I look up.

Silver eyes.


"T-Thank y-you." I stuttered, holding tightly to his broad shoulders. He raised a perfectly arched brow, before smirking.

"Amhm." He hummed before lifting me bridal style into his arms. "Woah!" I gasped and wound my arms tightly around his neck, feeling his pulse race erratically.

Did I cause this?


"You must eat."

"Okay," I didn't dare defy him. I had a feeling it wouldn't do me much good in the future if I continued to.

I kept and quiet as Owen towed me the house, until we came upon the dining room--with a huge dining table where people were already sat.

"...Hello." I greeted shyly waving to the crowd. "Pancake! I'm so glad I can finally have you in my arms!" Luke cried happily as he trotted up to Owen to steal me from his arms.
"Hi Luke," I grinned up at him, already forgiving him for nearly giving me a heart attack a week prior.

"This is Vic, Kota, Silas, and Nathan!" Luke introduced--pointing to a handsome man who put me in the mind of Clark Kent. Then to a man with dark brown hair and beautiful fire eyes, next was a red-haired man with yet most intense blue eyes I'd ever seen, and lastly to a tall--and I mean tall man with closely cropped brown hair, and golden toned eyes. A gently giant if you will.

"Pleasure!" I grinned, finally having enough confidence to speak. Silas--the gentle giant stepped forward with a smirk across his lips;

"Trust me Αγαπημένος...the pleasure is ours."

Oh boy

Translation : Αγαπημένος = sweetheart

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