☆Chapter Four☆

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Brett's Song-The Good Ones-Gabby Barrett

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"Hey Gramps? Why did Mr. Blackbourne give North hours? What does that mean?" I asked curiously as Gramps settled me onto the couch, handing me the remote to the TV. I twiddled with the remote in my hands as Gramps sighed, "It's Academy business Brett." He said finally and I nodded, immediately understanding. Years ago, Grandpa told me of a secret organization that Uncle and himself were involved in. He said they helped people out of terrible situations, and I couldn't even get answers to most of the question whirling around in my mind because the man was so hush-hush about anything to do with the Academy. "Okay...But I promise Gramps, it wasn't North's fault, and he shouldn't be punished for knocking into me. Please don't do anything." I pleaded with him, widening my eyes into my signature 'puppy' look that made him relent no matter what it is I was wanting. Gramps smiled and rolled his eyes, "Fine. Anything else doll?" He asked, quickly checking underneath the bandages on my forehead. "Looks good, it'll heal nicely-" He mumbled, and I nodded, smiling slightly, "I told you Gramps. Sean fixed me up! I also think I have a minor concussion, so I'll stay up, drink lots of water, and I'll just probably shower," I listed off, "I have to get the dried blood off of me." I explained. 

"I've taught you well doll," Gramps said proudly and I smirked, "Sure you did. Now all I have to figure out how to explain this all to Mom," I spoke as Gramps and I shared a wince, neither of us wanted to have that conversation with Mom, she'll go ballistic. "Well Doll, I'll let you deal with that..." Gramps laughed nervously before grabbing his car keys, "I'll have your car brought here doll, call your mom-" he said before rushing out of the house and I glared at his back. How dare he? I rolled my eyes and checked the time on my phone before I lifted myself up and grabbed my crutches. 

"Let's see if I can manage the stairs with these bitches..." I mumbled as I hobbled my way towards the staircase. Thankfully, In Gramps house, the stairs aren't as bad as it is at my old house back home. I huffed but managed to safely get up the first step, but as my casted foot tried to follow my good one, the toe of the hard cast got caught on the second step and I went down. Fuck. 

"Oof! -Why does this have to happen to me?" I mumbled into the carpet as I laid face-down on the stairs. "I'm ignoring Dr. Sean's orders," I spoke, glaring at the blasted crutches. I aggressively grabbed the crutches and hurled them onto the floor. "I'll crawl up those fucking steps," I hissed, and harshly tugged at my super long hair, that was currently tied in a bun, as always. I huffed slightly crawled up the steps one at a time, and in less than two minutes, I was standing back up on my feet, and limped to my designated bathroom. 

"Hmm..." I hummed lowly as I waited for the tub to fill up. I added some lavender bubble bath for good measure before I took off my jeans, Cami and boot. Before I got into the water, I noted in relief that my bathrobe was in the bathroom, seeing as I didn't bring any clothes with me. Slowly, I lowered myself into the water, leaving my broken ankle to hang over the side of the tub as I massaged my scalp, smiling as it relieved some of the tension from the past week. 

After my long soak, I had to find a way to break the news to Mom. A phone call? Text? Facetime? -Email? Most likely not the email, since she'd drive all the way to Charleston to strangle me for informing her about everything over email.  "How should I break this? Hey Mom! I know you said to be extra careful not to hurt myself--But on my very first day in Charleston-I fell into a metal bench! Got away with only a minor concussion, a broken ankle, and I'm trying to pick up the pieces of my wounded pride," I started off sarcastically, "Plus I made an utter fool of myself in front of the hottest guys I've ever fucking seen in my life!" I winced as mentally punched myself in the face. "I bet they probably wished they never met me-" 

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