☆Chapter Twenty-Six☆

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      °•° The Toma Team's Panic °•°

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      °•° The Toma Team's Panic °•°

-------------- "How are so sure we'll be able spend the day together?"

"Because I came to pick you up at 4 AM, with any luck the Toma Team will still be sleeping--" North cut off as he parked the jeep. I grinned and jumped out before latching onto his arm as he hel did out to me.

"I'll walk you inside, baby. Then I have to leave." He frowned sadly as he pressed his large hand to my cheeks, "We're going to be taking shifts each so we'll be able to have an hour with you today."

"That sounds wonderful," I smiled upnat him--even though we have been parted for hours---it feels like years. "I'll see you later!" I smiled and opened the front door-preparing to go inside if it wasn't for North's arm blocking my way.

"Forgetting something?" He whispered, lips trailing down the nape of my neck, I grinned shyly before turning around and jumping into his arms, placing my lips on his.

That seemed to be what he was after--considering the way his lips pressed to mine fiercely, and the way his large hands squeezed my waist gently, leaving tingles in his wake.

"I have to go now, Baby." North groaned sadly as he pressed a single searing kiss to my swollen and bitten lips before he sat me down.

"Oh, by the way--Happy Birthday baby!" He winked before laughing at the shocked look on my face, "You forgot, didn't you?"

"...maybe." I answered sheepishly smiling before I hugged him and stepped inside.

Holy fuck.

I was eighteen.

I could hardly believe it!

Turning eighteen is when life really started for real.

Kind of scary to be honest.

"Happy Birthday Darling."

"Owen!" I giggled as his arms snaked around my stomach and pulled me against his chest. "Thank you." I smiled softly up at him, finding him already staring down at me.
"You welcome." He spoke simply, before grabbing my hand. "Come. You need to eat."
Owen pulled me into the kitchen, before setting a plate in front of me.

"Eat." He ordered, "tell me; how have the Toma's been treating you?" He asked, handing me a fork and knife as I uncovered the plate---revealing two pancakes, bacon, sausage links and cut fruits. I kissed his cheek in thanks as I cut into the pancake, before popping it into my mouth. 

"Everything was fine. Marc let me help him cook, we all ate, and Corey gave me his room to sleep in since he stays in Raven's room." I explained after I finished chew. Owen cocked a brow, "Did they try to...flirt with you?" He spit out the words harshly as he glared at his hands. I giggled slightly, "No need to get jealous Owen--I like all of you---I care for only for you and the boys in that way." I smiled softly, continuing to eat avoiding looking into his eyes as he intensely watched me eat.

"What do we do next?" I asked after I had eaten all that I could eat--which was like two thirds of the plate. "Anything you want." Owen gave me his infamous millimeter smile as he held out a single, perfect unblemished hand. 

"Do you have any books?" I asked hopefully. Since I had come to Charleston and since I had started school--I didn't have much time to read, much less crack open a good book. 

"I was wondering when you were going to ask," Owen sighed amused, "Follow me." He nodded to his hand before I took it. He led me a hallway just passed the kitchen and opened the door. 

"Christ the lord! Is this real?" My jaw dropped as I took in the sight of a massive library/study around me. "Yes, my darling." Owen chuckled, "You can come and take as many books as you like. What's mine is yours." He whispered sweetly, pecking my cheek. 

"Thank you!" I whispered and wrapped my arms around his torso as I held him closely. Owen didn't say anything, only took a seat in a large chair and pulled me on his lap.

"We going to make sure you have a wonderful birthday, darling. Be sure to expect a visit from you mother and Dr. Roberts." He spoke close to my ear as I leant back against him before jumping up and grinning.  

"Thank you," I giggled before skipping over towards the books. I smiled in content as my fingers ghosted over the spines of the books before I found one that I loved.

Pride and Prejudice--It was one book that I could read over and over and never get tired of the classic tale of Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy. I gently grabbed the old looking book and pulled it out of the shelf, as I did--something fluttered to the ground. I cocked a brow and bended down to pick it up.

"Brett!" Owen called panicked as he stood up from his chair---eyes widened as he saw me pick up a----photo?

"Sorry Owen, I found the book I was looking for; this fell to the ground when I pulled it." I waved the photo as he jogged over to me, hand outstretched. I turned the photo over in my hand and gasped. 

"Who's this?" I questioned, eyes never leaving the photo. It was a photo of the boys and a beautiful blonde girl---with startling green eyes. My chest constricted as I looked at them holding her ever so close. Before I could observe the photo more; Owen snatched the photo from my hand with a cold glare.

"It's nothing." He sighed when he looked into my hurt eyes, "I'm sorry darling, it's a difficult subject." He explained. I sighed and nodded when I saw his jaw tighten. 

"Okay." I forced a smile before grabbing my book and walking away like nothing happened.

I was an understanding person---I tried my best to be. I cuddled up in a chair near the door placed a pillow, covering my chest. My version of a shield as I opened my book. 

I soon got lost into the story---ignoring Owen's gaze on my face as he sat across the room. I would wait patiently until he felt comfortable enough to tell me what was on his mind. 

"Darling?" Owen shook me about an hour later, "Shit!" I gasped, holding my chest. 

"Yes?" I caught my breath before he softly smiles, "The others are back, but Gabriel has told me to keep you here as he prepares a surprise." He smiles before pecking my hand. 

"Okay." I replied, my attention already back on my book as he chuckled before leaving the study. 

---------------------------- IT MUST HAVE BEEN HOURS LATER, when I looked out the window and noticed it was pitch black dark outside. I grew worried, what could they be doing that was taking so long? I got up and placed the book back on the shelf as I snuck out, closing the door softly behind me.

"What the hell?" I whispered as I heard laughter---feminine laughter echo throughout the living room. Was Erica or Mom here? Thankfully I was able to hide easily in the kitchen, far away enough that I couldn't be seen. 

I took a deep breath and finally got the courage to peek inside the living room. 

And what I saw broke me. 

It was the girl from the photo. 

She was wearing a short green dress, her blond hair up in a bun---her head thrown back as she laughed joyously. 

"I've missed you baby!" North rumbled looking into her eyes. The women smiled and leaned towards him, "I've missed you too North Star." She spoke softly before her lips molded onto his. 

And he didn't push her away---or do anything at all but wrap his arms around her, pulling her closer. 

My hands shook as they placed themselves over my heart as it cracked. Tears came to my eyes as my breath came out in short gasps. 

I had to get out of here


A/N: So...what did you think?

Did your heart crack to damn pieces like mine did?

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