☆Chapter Twenty☆

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----------- "Not now Brett!" Mr. Blackbourne snapped coldly as I opened my mouth. My mouth clamped shut as they rushed away.
What did I do wrong?

Brett, you did nothing wrong! I snapped at myself. I felt rage swell within me as I watched them rush away. I only wanted to ask how Silas was doing---did they think I was that fucking selfish to think of myself while Silas was hurt!?

I sat down in the hospital lobby and waited for Gramps and Mom to come by to sit with me.

"How's Silas?" I asked quietly, praying he was alright. Gramps sighed but smiled.

"He's a strong one---but he's stable and stitched up." My chest constricted as I nodded. I felt close to tears.

"Brett!" Atlas cried as he rushed inside the lobby with Charlie and Wil.

"Atlas!" I rushed towards him.as he encased me in a tight hug, his tears soaking into my top. "He's fine Atlas, he's resting right now." I soothed, rubbing my hand up and down his back as he shook.

"Thank God, we were worried." Charlie sighed as he pulled me into a hug.
I smiled softly, "You can go and see him now." I smiled before Gramps led them away.

My eyes dropped to the ground as I willed the tears away.
"Baby? What's wrong?" Mom asked and I shrugged, "I was just scared Mom. Can I go home early? I have school tomorrow." I asked, hugging her.

"Wasn't you supposed to spend the night with the boys again?" She asked as she dug her car keys out of her purse and handed them to me.

"No," I lied with a wry smile, "Plus I wanted to come home to spend time with you and Xena. When will you be back?"

"Later---I think. I'll get a ride home with Dad." She said kissing the top of my head. "I love you. I'll probably stop to get some food---or get some spa items for you and I." I spoke before I rushed out of the hospital--close to tears.

With the stress of Silas getting hurt, and being snapped at fucked with my emotions.

I'm not a meek person whatsoever. But with everything thats going on---I needed a good cry.
While I had the chance to get out of here---I kept my head down and wiped the tears from my cheeks---only to walk into incoming traffic.

I screamed as two big hands grabbed me and pulled me out of the way. I gripped the arms that held me as my eyes squeezed shut.

"T-thank y-you." I whimpered

"You are welcome Маленький фейерверк." A deep voice answered gruffly. Was that an accent I heard?

I looked up and gasped.

Fuck me...

Fuck me

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