☆Chapter Thirty-Six☆

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                 °•° Shocking News °•°

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                 °•° Shocking News °•°

--------------------- I WOKE UP TO THE SOUND OF MOANS. My eyes widened as I sit up in Corey's bed, listening closer to make sure I hadn't misheard anything.


Holy Shit...that was Brandon.

A glance to the clock let me know it was thirty after six.

Why was this fool waking me up early with his moans? I rolled my eyes, preparing to lay back down until I heard something that grabbed my attention.


Holy mother of pearl...that was unexpected---but not unwelcome.

I had to fuck with him.

"Yeah?" I called out with a huge smirk across my face as I folded my arms underneath my head--listening as he gasped from the other room.

"Brandon?" I called out, feigning tiredness.

"It's okay Sweetie, go back to bed!" He called out loudly--probably freaking out.

"Okay---I was planning on helping you out with you---little problem--but if you insist, I'll go back to bed!" I laughed, unable to hold back as I pulled.the cover up and closed my eyes.

Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.

I smirked secretly as the door of my room was thrown open and Brandon stalked inside.
He didn't say a word, only pulled the covers off of me before grasping my feet and pulling me to the edge of the bed, being careful with my ribs--which were mostly healed.

I was lucky I healed fast.

"Brandon!" I giggled as he kissed my nose sweetly, before moving on top me, pinning my hands above my head.

"You must be quite, hmm?" He smirked before his lips began kissing down over my breasts, over my stomach, and finally to the place I needed him most;

Between my thighs.


"Brett--come here." Axel beckoned me over with a worried look on his face.
"Yeah?" The look on his face worried me greatly, Axel never usually looked this worried.
"Before you go to school, I have to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"Volto is on the move." He sighed as my mouth dropped open, "He is? I thought Mr. Blackbourne said they were close to finding him?"

"They are--bur last night...an academy member was Injured badly--when he woke up at the hospital this morning--he said it was someone in a mask." Axel sighed, "they found him at the range--in the same place we were--ten minutes after we left."

"What are we going to do?" Now I was getting afraid. 

"I don't know--I'll have to talk to Owen and the rest of his team. Are you okay with that?" He asked and I sighed but nodded, "It's not up to me--I just want this over." I said, while grabbing my backpack. 

"I'll let you know everything, Dolly." He smiled and kissed my head before I walked out of the door.

"You ready Flower?" Marc grinned as he twirled Brandon's car keys in his hands as he leaned against the wall beside the elevator. "As ready as I'll ever be. Atlas and Wil are going to be meeting me at the entrance of school--Oh! Mom and Gramps are going to swing by school to have lunch with me to catch up;" I explained as we stepped in the elevator before I pressed the button that would take us to the ground floor.  

"I'm happy for you flower--and after school I'm taking you to the cafe." Marc grinned as kissed my cheek as we walked outside to the SUV. "Really? Will I be able to get free coffee?" I grinned slyly as his lips turned up in a smile. 

"Of course, little flower. I will create the perfect blend for you!" He winked sweetly at me as he started driving off. "That sounds lovely!" I giggled as I buckled up before turning my attention to him. "Marc?" I asked, making him glance at me out of the corner of his eye. 

"I have a bad feeling something bad is going to happen--with this entire Volto situation." I bit my lip, glancing down. 

"So do I," He sighed heavily, his plump lips turning down into a frown. I nodded and looked out the window as we got closer and closer to Ashley Waters. When Marc finally pulled to a stop, he grabbed my hand and held it tightly, "But I can promise you this Brett--no matter what we will always protect you---and as much as I hate to say it...the Blackbourne Team will as well." 

"I know." I smiled and kissed his cheek, "I'll see you and that free cup of joe later!" I laughed. Was I hiding my nervousness, panic, and worry? Yes, but I would soon deal with it all when it came. 

Which would be sooner than I had originally thought. 

"Brett! Let's go girl! We're going to be late for class!" Atlas yelled as I hurried across the parking lot before I threw my arms around them in a hug. I smiled and took in Atlas comforting sunshine scent, and Wil's peppery jasmine scent before I pulled away and linked my arms through theirs before walking down the hall to our lockers. 

"So how did it go?" Wil asked as he opened his locker and took out his books for HR. I shrugged with a huge grin, "It went really great. Raven took me to the range, and we had a competition, you see, and I got four guns from it." I smirked and slammed my locker closed before I was pulled down the hall. 

"Wait--so you're telling me you beat the professional Russian at his own game?"  Atlas asked in disbelief as Wil's eyes bugged out. 

"That's exactly what I'm saying," I laughed as I walked into our HR, and waved to Anderson as we took our seats. "I've said it before, and I'll say it again--you are fucking awesome." Atlas whispers in awe as Anderson called out for us to take out our notebooks as he began the lesson. 

"Thanks, bud."

-------------------------------- THE LAST THING I EXPECTED WAS FOR MOM AND GRAMPS TO CALL ME TO MR. BLACKBOURNE'S OFFICE. They didn't seem too happy about it as I followed them inside to be greeted by Mr. Blackbourne, Kota, Axel and Marc. 

Fuck--This wasn't going to be good.

"C'mon baby--let's sit here." Mom grabbed my hand as she pulled me to sit down beside her and Marc.

"Why have you called us in here, Owen?" Mom asked icily and she stared him down. I hid my grin as Mr. Blackbourne flinched slightly. 

"News of Volto has arisen--the elders, including myself, know that Brett is his main target. Everywhere she has been--an attack has happened at the same place. We need her safe--and hidden."  Gramps sighed sadly, "Which is why they overruled my vote to have her, the Toma Team and us move into the Blackbourne estate." 

"All of us!? That would be seventeen people--and Xena! How would we fit?" I asked disbelieving, was this really happening? Mom gripped my hand in hers as Gramps patted my knee, "We have more than enough room, and it's just until we have him in custody." Kota explained, never taking his eyes off me as I looked down. "Mr. Toma? Mr. Weiland? Do you agree?" Mr. Blackbourne asked, looking at me softly as I glared at him--I was still fucking pissed at him.

"Will she be safe?" Axel asked, looking over at me worriedly as Marc gave me a tiny smile of assurance. 

"You have my word." 

A/N: Did I add yet another twist? yup!

What do you think of ALL of them living together in the Blackbourne House?

How do you think the rest of the teams will react?  

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