☆Chapter Thirty-Three☆

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°•° Eggs and Bacon °•°

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°•° Eggs and Bacon °•°


-------------------- "Hmmmm!" I whimpered as I woke up to find Corey's face above me while Raven was nestled between my legs.

Oh my, what a way to wake up.

"Corey?" I whimpered as he stroked my face gently while watching me struggle in Raven's grip as he kissed between my thighs.

"Oh!" I whined and hid my face. "Shh Sunny, relax." Corey whispered, I tried...I really did--but it was such a foreign sensation that it made me wiggle.

"Still." Raven ordered, before his hands held my squirming hips down--holding me still, before placing his mouth on my core.

"Yes!---" I whimpered as Corey's lips placed themselves on mine, silencing me. My back arched as Raven stroked me with tongue sensually.

Holy Jesus Christ!

...this felt so good!

I kissed Corey harder, shoving my tongue in his mouth, as his hands tangled in my hair, tugging it gently, smiling against my lips.

"She tastes so sweet," I distantly heard Raven growl, before pushing my thighs apart even more, burying his head deeper in my heat.

"Corey!" I cried, my lips parting my lips as my head moved my side to side the familiar feeling of the knot started growing bigger and bigger.
"Don't fight it, Sunny." Corey smiled, eyes alight with lust as his squeezed my breasts.

"I-i'm n-not." I whined and let go, wrapping my legs tightly around Raven's head as Corey stroked my face.

"Taste her." Raven spoke lowly to Corey as my eyes closed. I distinctly heard the familiar sound of lips smacking together as they kissed, and the sounds of Corey sighs before they sandwiched me between them, holding me close.

"Feel better, Kotenok?" Raven breathed before placing a kiss on my lips, "Mhm. How are you so good at that?" I mumbled sleepily, smiling a little as Raven and Corey laughed loudly before I fell asleep, in utter Bliss and contentment.

------------------- "Brett? Its time for school." Axel stated softly, shaking me awake.
"Morning Axel." I mumbled sleepily as I watched him, "What time is it?"

"Seven AM. You have enough time to get dressed and watch something before Brandon drops you off," He smiled, before running his eyes over my relaxed body.
"Those two did a number on you, huh?" Axel smirked, but I could detect something else in his eyes--an emotion I didn't recognize.

"Go on and get dressed," He nodded over Raven's nightstand--where noticed there was an outfit and a pair of my converse.
I smiled, "Corey brought those before Marc, Raven and him left early this morning." He grinned and patted my back before he left the room.

"Damn," I allowed the blush to take over my face. How the hid he know?

I would never live this down.

I sighed and pulled myself off the bed, taking my outfit into bathroom before I washed my body off, and got dressed.
I smiled as I patted my face dry.

I continued to brush my teeth, and brush back my hair into a high ponytail.
"I'm ready!" I called out as I walked out of Raven's room, to find Axel waiting in the living room.

"I should have known," Axel chuckled, eyes straying from my face--to the Lord of The Rings t-shirt Corey had picked out for me.

"Remember, if you run into any problems at school--call us." He ordered, gripping my shoulders in his hands as he looked into my eyes.
"I promise--I'll hang out with Atlas and Wil today." I grinned as before I hugged him and walked out of the apartment, before running into Brandon who held my backpack in his hands.

"Ready Sweetie?" He grinned and threw an arm around my shoulder before led me into the elevator, before handing me a plastic bowl.
"Eat this quickly--you need something in your stomach before heading to school." He smirked and tugged at my ponytail as I giggled,

"Thanks Brandon," I smiled, looking down at the warm eggs and bacon, "What are you guys doing today?" I asked as we walked inside the parking garage, heading in the direction of his black SUV.
He helped me inside before setting my backpack beside my feet as I ate quickly.

"How do you feel about going back to school?" Brandon questioned as he started the SUV before driving our of the parking garage.

"I have to get over of my fear of running into them--i thought this would be a good start." I explained, crushing up the empty bowl and stuffing it in my backpack.

"That's smart," He winked over to me, "I can stay with you if you want." He offered, but I only smiled and shook my head.

"It's okay Brandon--I'm a big girl. If any of them bother me--I'll give them the same treatment as North." I winked over to him.

The old Brett was finally breaking through the surface, hell yeah.

"I have no doubt you will!" He cackled as the SUV slowed down.

"We're here already?" I asked disappointed--I wished I could talk to Brandon longer.

He seemed to read my mind, "I'll be picking you up later, Sweetie. Then we'll head to the shop." He winked and kissed my hand.

"Be good!" He smirked as my face colored. "Bye!" I squeaked and jumped out of the SUV and slammed the door in a rush.

"I need to learn to control my expressions better," I grumbled to myself as I walked inside of Ashley Waters; "It'll get me in trouble someday." I hissed and opened my locker--and grabbing the stuff I needed for the day.

"Brett!" My head snapped over to Wil and Atlas who had stopped beside my locker, waiting for me.

"Hey!" I grinned brightly and hugged them. "C'mon we'll catch up on the way to class." Atlas chuckled as his arm snaked between one of mine; and Wil's before pulling us to our HR.
"So...how did the talk with Corey go?" He asked

"It went okay--h-he told me that they--him and Raven--wanted me." I whispered with a shy smile and a blush, Atlas' eyes bugged out while Wil smacked my back with a proud smirk,

"That's my girl! I feel like a proud mother," Atlas sniffled, as he wiped imaginary tears from his tanned cheeks.
"Shut up!" I hissed as Mr. Anderson came towards me with a small smile before pulling me to the side.

"Anderson! How're you doing? How's the guys and Lilly?" I asked with a smile.

"They're great--but listen--" He lowered his voice, "Phil told me what happened, and I'll try to help in any way I can--we all will."

"Thanks Anderson. I appreciate it!" I grinned at him before taking my seat between Atlas and Wil.

"Alright class---yes?" Anderson looked pointedly at the door where Mary Simmions--a girl from my PE class stood.

She flushed, "uh--the principle needs to see Brett."

"What the hell?" Atlas hissed and my eyes widened in anger.

Did that moterfucker really just do that?

A/N: I hope you enjoy the chapter!

What did you think of Raven and Corey's morning surprise? 😉

Also, be sure to check out my new fic!!!

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