☆Chapter Sixteen☆

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                 °•° Old Enemies °•°

--------- "Run that by me again; did you say we were going to sneak out and drive to Brett's hometown to steal her dog back?" Wil asked incredulous. Atlas huffed, "Yeah dumbass--you in or not?" He raised a brow pulling me closer.

"You can stay here and cover for us?" I asked Wil, knowing he didn't want to get in trouble with his guardian [aka Charlie Korba]

It's a bit risky--don't get me wrong--but I missed Xena dearly, and it was time she came home. An early birthday present.

"I can do that. But if North and the rest of them find out you and Brett are driving to another state--they'll kill me!" Wil panicked before I smirked.

"Easy solution...avoid them!"

"Great idea Sherlock!" Atlas groaned laughing.

"Of course, my dear Watson!" I cackled, "We'll have to leave soon--it takes about four hours to get there." I mumbled looking down at the time on my phone.

"Fine, I'll tell Doc you're spending the night our place. Atlas, you tell Charlie we're staying at Brett's." Wil commanded and I saluted him, "Right away Captain!" I giggled.

This was a fuckin' idiotic idea--but you only live once. One I grabbed the bag that held snacks, money, and phone chargers--Atlas and I fled down the stairs of my house.

"Gramps?" I shook him awake as he snoozer on the couch.

"Yeah?" He mumbled and I smiled, perfect.

"Can I stay the night with Atlas and Wil?" I asked softly.

"Sure---now leave me to sleep!" He gave me a small smile before he fell asleep.

"That was easy!" Wil grinned, "Maybe it won't be a big disaster as I expected."

"Have some fucking faith Wil!" Atlas cackled getting inside my car. We soon got settled inside before I started driving down the road. For old times' sake, Atlas let the top of the mustang down and I cheered.

"This is fucking life!" I screamed, "Damn right!" Atlas screamed beside me--his head rocking up and down as Stiff Upper Lip by AC/DC came on the radio. Wil laughed at our antics before nodding along to the beat like the rest of us.

Once I had stopped at the red light---a little away from Uncle's diner--Wil screeched.

"Uh...Guys?" He asked nervously.

"What's wrong Wil?" I asked, biting my bottom lip, looking back towards him.

"Is that your mom? With Erica and Uncle?"

Oh hell.

"Wha--? Oh fuck!" Atlas crowed; eyes widened in horror. "I thought she wasn't supposed here until tonight?" My head snapped towards Atlas and Wil, eyes alight in betrayal.

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