☆Chapter Seven☆

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                °•° The Kinky One °•°

The worst part of having a huge crush is having a member of your family know. Take Gramps for example, when I accidently told Erica I found North hot as fuck--she accidentally let it slip when Gramps walked into the room. Now, he's been slyly smiling at me like I was a little girl who had a crush on a boy--no man who was years older than I was. 

Which I did--and it's not like North's old enough to be my father--he only in his early twenties--like Gabriel. Plus, I'll be eighteen in a month. 

It's been a week since the fiasco at my house. I'm still forced to wear the cast, but I was able to remove the awful bandage concealing my forehead. 

It's also been a week since I have seen them


"What's up Gramps?" I smiled, turning to look at him as I combed through my long hair. Gramps smiled and took a seat next to me on the couch. "Owen called me earlier to tell me to bring you by their house to get you school things," He grinned 

"Can we also stop by the diner? I want to see Uncle!" I grinned at the thought of him. Uncle had been a part of my life since...well forever, I guess. I've missed seeing him these past few years. "You got it kid." Gramps kissed the top of my head and helped me up and took me outside to his chevy SUV. 

On the drive over to the Blackbourne house, I couldn't help but let my nerves take control over me. Why? You may ask what the reason of my cowardice is being in a house full of hot guys. My ex wasn't near as attractive as these guys are---I didn't know how to act around them. 

"Brett? We're here!" Gramps grinned before my eyes shot open to take in the sight of the large mansion in front of my eyes. "Woah." I blurted out, unable to fully grasp how amazing this house is. Amazing and fucking expensive. Fuck, I'd hate to see the price of their house payment. 

"Let's go," Okay Brett, this is where all of the acting lessons you went through pays off. 

"Sur-Ow!" I cried out, as I forcefully hit my foot on door. White hot pain exploded from my foot as I held it. "Damn! Brett! Are you okay!" He asked frantically. "I'm fine," I whimpered, "Just forgot about my foot." 

I wish I didn't hit my foot as hard as I did. 

"You go on in--I'll stay out here and rest," I offered, reaching back and grabbing a blanket as he watched me worriedly. "Okay bud--I'll go get your things and be out in a little bit." He smiled and patted my head. I smiled, "Take your time!" I called out to him as I reclined back and pulled my large fuzzy blanket over my frame. Hmm, worked out better than I thought. 

Don't get me wrong, I know I was running from my problems--and I knew I would have to face them, but for now; I need more time to prepare myself. 

I waved weakly back at Gramps as he looked sharply back over his shoulder and laid down, partially covering my head with my blanket, breathing in its comforting scent.

--------- I HAD SAT IN THE SUV for probably five minutes before I heard knocking on the window. I barely peeked an eye open before the door was swung open. 

Fuck. Fuckety. Fuck. I went through all of the gut-wrenching pain for nothing.  

Can you tell I love dropping the F-bomb?

"Sparky! I've missed you so fucking much!" 

"Hi Gabriel," I smiled, wincing slightly as my foot twitched as I switched over to face him. His perfectly arched brows furrowed in concern. 

"Damn Sparky! Doc told us how you hurt your foot--you need to be more careful." He commanded. Normally, I would be pissed someone I hardly knew would tell me what to do, But Gabriel does it out of concern. My heart warmed at the thought. 

"Okay Daddy," I grinned as he gaped at me like a fish, his normally pale skin flushing heavily as his eyes darkened. 

A kinky one. Good to know. 

"Oy! You be quiet!" He screeched as his plump lips pulled up into a beautiful smile that nearly blinded me, and I flushed at the need to taste his lips. What the hell was wrong with me!?

"C'mon babe--the rest of the guys want to meet you." 

"No!--Uh...I mean my foot really hurts and I don't think it'll ease if I walk on it," I quickly tried to save myself, "Plus, Dr. Sean will be upset that I didn't bring my crutches." I cleared my throat and looked up at Gabriel under my lashes innocently. But I think he quickly caught onto that in no way, shape or form was I innocent. 

What can I say? Wattpad ruined my innocence long ago.  

"You just don't want to face North." His eyebrows raised as he smirked. 

"Liar!" I snapped as my cheeks flushed.

"Only one of here is the liar Baby girl, and it sure isn't me." He leaned close to my face as he stared deeply into my eyes. I gulped but didn't retreat. Mama didn't raise me to back down easily. 

"...Fine." I pouted, my bottom lip jutting out as I relented, allowing a smirk to rest on his lips. 

"Pull that lip back in before I bite it!" He whispered, quickly pressing a kiss to my flaming cheek. I had no words. For the first time in my life--I was absolutely speechless. With my jaw dropping and eyes bugged out, Gabriel scooped me [and my blanket] into his arms and walked towards the entrance of the large house.

"You have a beautiful home. Design it yourself?" I asked, looking around the exterior. 

"H-How did you guess!?" He replied shocked, looking down at me. "It screams you--plus you seem like the only one who really knows design." I shyly looked down and tucked my cheek against his collarbone. I couldn't help the smirk that inched its way across my face as he inhaled sharply. 

"Sparky," He warned lowly as he opened the door and I looked up at him innocently. 

"Yes Gabriel?" 

"Don't start something you can't finish." He hissed breathlessly.

"Okay!" I smiled brightly at the thought of being the reason of his frustration. Gabriel raked his hands through his newly dyed platinum hair, "The guys are upstairs---are you ready to meet the rest of the Blackbourne Clan?" 

"I was born ready babe."

(Okay, I tried something different for a change! What do you guys think!?)    


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