☆Chapter Twenty-Eight☆

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            °•° The Art of Forgiving °•°

--------------- "Could I go to Corey's room while you tell them? I only dozed for a couple minutes last night." I asked Axel as I held Xena's leash in one hand--and a bag in the other. We had just gotten to the Sergent Jasper; and we were waiting in front of the door of their apartment, side-by-side. 

"Of course--go get some rest." He nodded, smiling softly and unlocked the door to Brandon and Corey's apartment. I smiled and ushed Xena inside--taking my bags with me. 

I smiled as I looked around the apartment as I opened the door to Corey's room--this was going to be home for a while. "Go on and lay down Xena--I'll be with you in a minute." I spoke as I sat down on the floor, took off my shoes and opened my bag. 

I folded my clothes and stacked them neatly on top of my suitcase that I had pushed against the wall. Making myself busy was the best thing for me to do---to get my mind off hurtful subjects. I had finally gotten all of my clothes folded when the door was thrown open--and the big russian brute came barreling in. 

"Raven! What are you doing!?" I cried, arms wrapping tightly around his tattooed chest as he carried me out of the room. 

"It is okay Маленькая петарда, I will care for you now." (Little Firecracker) His emotional words struck something within me causing tears to erupt. "I'll be okay buddy," I sniffled, hiding away from him. 

When Raven finally carried me inside the apartment with the others, he sat me on his lap and held me close as Corey laid a hand on my leg.

"You okay Sunny?" Corey asked, concerned. 

"I'll be okay." I avoided his eyes, "Can we cook again?" I asked Marc. He forced a smile, "Of course, but I need to check over your ribs." He wiggled his brows causing me to smile. 

"Sure." I nodded, "Wait here--I'll get my kit." He smiled before running off towards his room. 

The others watched me silently, frowns on their faces--even Brandon. Which surprised the hell out of me. 

"Guys--I'm fine. I'll get over it." I assured, wincing as I shuffled around. "Can I call my Mom and Gramps? I left them a note saying I would be here." I explained, "But I left my phone in Corey's room."

"Sure." Axel nodded, handing me his cell. "Thanks," I gave him a grateful nod, "I'll be in the kitchen." I smiled and climbed off of Raven's lap, ignoring his groans as I trotted to the kitchen.
I breathed deeply before I dialed Mom's number.

"Mom?" I asked when the phone picked up.

"Brett! Baby, we got your note! What the fuck happened last night?" Mom yelled worriedly, here we go again...I winced and began to tell the whole story.

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