Chapter 8: 'It hurts, but it'll be ok'

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"Alex!" Alex rushes over to the sagging body Kara holds.

"Someone bring a gurney please." She gives the order to whoever happens to walk past.

"What happened Kara?"The gurney comes in swiftly, Alex gently supports Len's head and they set her onto it.

"It was Morgan Edge but not, he has robotic arms and stuff." The super hasn't taken her eyes off of Lena.

"He is now stuck in a block of ice unconscious in Lena's office." J'onn makes it into the area.

"Is she ok?"

"She will be, gotta get her up into X-ray and she might need a couple of stitches."

"You can send agents to her office, it was Morgan Edge," Alex says solemnly. He gives them a nod and stalks off to oversee Morgan's transportation into one of their cells. Metahumans of his caliber are partly the DEO's jurisdiction.


Lena has gotten a room in the small medical wing to the southwest side of the DEO building, Lena helped equip it, it's funny how everything comes full circle.

A doctor, Kara is vaguely familiar with, comes in with Lena's charts. The CEO is awake and more alert now, the pain meds she helped create; takes away the pain, but don't come with the added drowsiness and addictive qualities.

"Ok, i'm going to list what she has and the precautions that should be taken while she heals." She steps a bit closer, so she doesn't have to raise her voice.

"You have a broken rib on your left side, the one just above it is fractured in two places, you will have a nasty bruise there for a while. A mild concussion but there seems to be no bruising of the brain, which is always good. Your cheek is fractured, so an ice pack will have a home there for a while. You will have substantial bruising where the blows were made, so ice overall will be your best friend. She has gotten a total of twenty-two stitches. Six on her cheek, four on each hand where glass was picked, five on her rib area, and three just above her right brow, we used super glue to patch up your lip." The doctor flips through the sheets of her chart, Kara and Lena still stay silent, waiting for her to finish.

"You will most likely be out of commission for a month, give or take a couple days. Three weeks at the least." She turns towards Kara now.

"She may start walking around the house with minimal help after two weeks. Can probably be left alone for long periods of time at three. From there, do things at your own discretion."

The DEO doctors ask if there were any questions, and then leave them to each other.

Alex knocks a little while after the doctor is finished. "How is she?" She asks quietly, trying not to disturb the peace.

"She, is awake." Lena all but groans. Her voice is hoarse, she was used to the pain breathing has caused, now that she is painless, it's hard to not anticipate the sharp stabbing her ribs could give.

"You missy," she points directly towards the CEO, "are on bed rest, which means no work. Sam has everything covered."

Lena lets out a humorless snort. "I know she can handle it, but I can't though."

Alex turns to Kara.

"You can take her home tonight Kara, no flying though, I can have someone drive you."

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