Chapter 29: Day in The Life

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The group lets the girls sleep and they make their way to the front end of the ship to meet Winn to discuss his findings.

"Ok so I went over what you guys found already and Gideon gave me the rundown. We haven't discussed how to get Maggie and Lena back to adults yet though."

"Well, the little I've looked into, it seemed the only way for us to get them back to their regular bodies is retrieving a sample. We would have to reverse engineer the formula, we are out of viable samples so we have to get it from the source, so that means tracking Storm down. I'm kinda rusty on the medicine part of my job, I really wish Lena was able to help with all of this.'' Alex says the last part in a huff.

"I'm sure she will be able to help plenty, seems like she is going back and forth," Kara says while taking a seat on the floor, shoving a sticky bun into her mouth that was conjured up by the food fabricator.

"I would sell my left arm for that food fabricator." She says, a bit muffled because of the not so swallowed sugary treat.

"Yea, we all know what you would do for ten pounds of sugar." Alex snorts.

"Heyy, you know Sam was thinking it too, SEE!"

They all look at Sam who was about to turn her back while stuffing her face with the same treat as Kara. "I'm hungry, we missed our third lunch!"

Alex lets out an exasperated sigh, but a smile plasters on her face while she looks lovingly at her two favourite Kryptonians.

"Ava sent over some more info on them. She has an idea of where they could be next but she is gathering more info. I've asked them to stay at headquarters."

Ava knows why her girlfriend has asked her to keep out of the Waverider. Ava knows that those two little ones need space where they can be themselves without having to hide or interrupt, so keeping the boys away is key right now. Ava would love to be there but they both know one of them needs to keep the boys in check.

It's hard to live lives like these, this type of dynamic is a hit or a total miss if they were to tell anyone, they aren't taking that chance. Since everyone lives on the ship, it's so complicated, arguments already freeze the whole ship, something like this would sink it like the Titanic.

They were both happy when Gideon had recognition like this and was not judgemental whatsoever. She has even expressed her liking for the littles. The couple were elated when Gideon told them about an unoccupied room at the end of the ship.

Their babies loved decorating their new little room and insisted on sharing a big bed, so they are both close to each other during 'sleepy time'. Ava and Sara were sceptical about that, knowing that if they acted like siblings, most likely they'd fight like them too. It's been about three years and there has been little to no fuss between the babies.

"You lot can unpack, Gideon will guide you to your room, I'm gonna take a shot at cooking, nothing extravagant."

Winn buts in, "Wouldn't it be easier to just use that food fabricator?"

"It would but it's Monday, I cook for the girls on Mondays and Thursdays, best not to break routine with them."

He nods his head and lets Gideon guide him to his room with blue-tinted lights.

"Maggie is vegan right?" Alex nods yes. "Ok I'll mock up some stuffed chicken breasts, That's the only thing I'll get the food synthesized to make, whatever comes out of there is automatically vegan friendly. Charlie went through this no animal shall be harmed phase, which fizzled out fast. Zari doesn't eat meat often so I've had to learn a lot. Gideon is a big help."

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