Chapter 46: Taken With You and Loved With Everything.

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Sam comes home from that night with an empty heart. She was unable to keep track of James's location. She has no idea why this has happened, even Supergirl was supposed to be able to catch him.

"He must be using some sort of cloaking tech. It's impossible that he got away from me so damn fast." Sam lets out an exasperated breath. She is so sick of this. The incident and the aftermath is so frustrating and all she really wants is to leave him in a cell to rot like the scum he is.

"Sammy." Lena rests her hand on the taller girl's arm softly. Both businesswomen have just gotten out of a meeting and Lena invited Sam to her office when she noticed her clipped proposal reading and harsh shutdown on asked questions.

Sam's eyes glow red. She quickly closes her eyes and takes a couple of minutes to compose herself. Lena doesn't flinch at the raw power emulating off of her friend. She stays close by. Once the red dissipates and Sam's fists unclench, the Luthor stands up from the couch and grabs a glass of ice-cold water for herself and Sam.

It takes a couple of sips of water before Sam is comfortable enough to talk.

"Sorry about that Lena." Sam bows her head in shame.

Lena waves her off. "It's ok Sam, Kara gets like this sometimes. If you were back to your human self, your eyes wouldn't have reacted like that, it's not your fault."

Sam lets out a breath.

"You're allowed to be angry Sam."

Sam looks up then and nods her head slightly. A silent exchange happens between the two women. Sam has gone through her fair share of traumatic events and Lucy's situation is triggering her anger.

"I just want-" Sam blows out a breath and sets her class down. Her back hits the couch's backrest and her head lulls to the side, "I just want this all to be over with. I want him in jail where I know he can't come back, I need to know that he can't come back." Sam says the last bit in a whisper. It's hard seeing the people around you hurt. You want to do all you can to make sure they are safe, that they are taken care of, that they are happy.

"It's not your fault he got away, he has access to tech that was made to shield them from Kryptonian powers. We just have to plan accordingly now and find the loopholes in the tech so we can track him down."

It's the inner mother in Sam. She knows that what she does best is taking care of people, taking care of her family, all the people she loves. Sam wishes she could have given Lucy that peace that she herself longs for, but Sam was too slow. She'll get him next time.

Lena silently hugs her friend until they can't possibly sit around any longer. Sam goes off to her respective office and finishes off the day in a sullen mood.

.... Back at the Danvers-Luthor household....

Lena has just gotten home. It's rare that she gets to get home before two on a weekday, today is her lucky day.

Yesterday at the aquarium, she was unsure of how to articulate her feelings. She was happy, it was a really fun day. She even adopted a seal in Maggie's name.

When they got home last night, she was far too tired to talk like how Kara said they should. Lena wasn't really that tired though, she was nervous for their conversation. She has been avoiding the reporter all day. She has been texting sparsely and buried her head in her work; which didn't work out for the better because she finished earlier than usual. Jess sent a text to Kara saying the Luthor would be home early and Lena is secretly furious. She wanted to stay in her office for as long as possible.

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