Chapter 37: Changes are Coming

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Alex shuts the door behind them. Both Kara and Sam meet her in the kitchen. Sam walks back and forth between the pantry and the fridge to gather the things she needs to make some soup to bat off the unfortunate weather.

Kara plops on the stool and sighs.

Alex looks at her, "So Sam filled you in or did you listen?"

Kara takes a grape from the fruit bowl. "She filled me in, I heard Lucy say it was ok to hear but it still felt wrong listening like that."

Alex takes an apple from the same bowl. "When I see James, I'm gonna kill him. He does not deserve that damn guardian shield. It's bull shit that he can prance around in that armour and act all high and mighty."

Kara gets up to get two glasses of water, "It's hard for me to agree with that point because he should get the chance too, like Sam and I. But he does more harm than good and he is failing to see that. When I thought I was the reason aliens were centralised here, I was more than ready to give it up. He enjoys fame too much."

"Oh come on, you and Sam are nowhere near the same as James. He's an ass hat with no fucking integrity and I'm this close to reporting this shit head to the authorities. Maggie could literally perp walk him in the station by the end of the damn week." Alex grumbles under her breath.

Sam looks at her pointedly. "I'm not a fan of so many curse words in one sentence Alex, tone it down. Pass me another onion please."

Alex does as she is told. She closes her eyes as she sits back down. She composes herself after a couple of moments. "Sorry Sammy."

Sam just nods her head and gives her a small smile.

Kara throws away the remnants of the fruits. "I still can't believe he did that, I knew of his aggressive tendencies but to do that to someone you've been with for over a year? I did not see that coming."

Sam puts the stove on low and adds in the potatoes, carrots, and pumpkin bits to simmer. "What I can't wrap my head around is the reaction. I mean, he knew what he was getting himself into with Lucy. She told him." Sam mixes in some light spices and stirs it in. "It's his own fault that he didn't take her seriously, I just wish Lucy had gotten out sooner. So she wouldn't have to deal with all this crap, and him."

"I don't think she wanted to stay but I think she felt like she had to." Kara chimes in, "It could be that Lucy felt there was nothing else out there for her. So she stayed until the bitter end. I think Luce needs us more now. I can't help but wonder if she knew that we were here for her, this wouldn't have happened." Kara sounds bummed, they all feel it.

They know that maybe they could have done something to stop this. But there is no point in dwelling on something that they can't change. They can help her move forward though. And that is exactly what they are going to do.

Alex puts the finished glasses of water into the dishwasher. "I will go to J'onn in the morning and see what can be done." Alex does a three-sixty, "But we have to talk to Lucy about what she wants first though. We can't just go controlling all of this, unless that's what she wants."

Kara nods, "Yea you're right. Rao, he is so disgusting for making her feel like this."

When Kara saw Lucy with James, (specifically wanting her instead of James), that's when she started to question her sexuality. Krypton never had a 'thing' against gender, they only classified themselves by reproductive (or lack thereof) systems. But it was never just two, not like how earth likes to think of gender and sex as one in the same and how intersex and other forms aren't recognized or talked about enough.

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