Chapter 53: And Pop Goes the Weasel

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........Day Twenty-Nine, DEO........

This morning the doctors checked on Sam to see if there was any change. It seems that the girl has gotten worse, maybe due to everyone's negative thoughts on the situation.

They were informed that Sam has no more than a week of life left in her, a week is pushing it.

The emotions in the group are mixed. The entirety of the Superfriends can't possibly imagine themselves without Sam, without her present at game nights, or being the designated driver when they all manage to get drunk. Sam was like a star to a lot of them. Alex doesn't even wanna think about it. Sam was the newest in the relationship, but she was integral to it all. Alex can't think about Sam's death, she just can't.

........Lena's POV | Day Thirty, National City's Elite Security Prison, Mid-Day........

Lena takes it upon herself to go to Lex. She tells no one. It was a day where Maggie would come to work with her but Lena had told the shorter girl that her day was filled with meetings and it wouldn't be such a fun day.

Lena almost had to reschedule her plan when she saw the look of sadness on her friend's face. She had to remember what she was doing this for, she was doing this for Sam, for all of them.

She makes it through security, they give her a sticker name tag and a monitor to track her every movement. Lest she ends up dead on their watch or lost where they can't find her.

She quickly walks with the guards to her brother's cell. They give her a good luck look.

Once she makes it to the cell, she takes in a deep breath to calm her nerves. She hasn't seen her brother since he tried to kill her himself. She has mixed feelings about it. She wants to feel sorry for him, maybe she does. She could have gotten past him hurting her. But never those around her, never her family, never her true family.

I will get what I need out of him, by whatever means necessary.

He knew she was coming, they told him he had a visitor. He has fans always trying to sneak their way in to see him. But he knew his sister would come, Lex knew that she would crawl back and ask for his help eventually.

Lex's arms and feet are chained to the table, he is wearing this sickenly smug smirk; Lena is prepared, she has trained for this, even in her goddamn dreams she has imagined every possible scenario and outcome. This Luthor is prepared for it all.

"Well hello little sister, fancy seeing you here, hm?"

Lena knows it's bait, which is why she sits down and waits.

Lex readjusts himself in his seat, well, as much as one can while being chained to the floor and table. "Not even a hello?"

Lena stays silent, she grabs a folder that was snug under her arms and puts it on the table. He goes to grab it but she quickly pulls it out of view.

He smiles at her, it's a bit strained though, exactly where I want him.

"You know little L," his head tilts to the left in fake thought, a smile growing on him a bit when she adjusts herself in her chair. "I've been interrogated by National City's finest right? Do you really think this little stunt will heed any results?" The last bit is snapped out. He is running on a short fuse.

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