Chapter 28: "You can't promise if you don't think you're gonna keep it!"

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Sam zooms in on the scene. Maggie is on the floor and Lena is huddled up in front of her but in a standing position, Kara is motioning for the baby CEO to sit with her. She's looking down at her friend, unshed tears in both eyes. Maggie looks irritated and frustrated, but Sam doesn't pay that any mind.

"Hey bunny, you alright?" She says softly, the only thing that seems to be wrong is a little gash on her right knee. There is no blood dripping, the cut barely made it past the epidermis layer, the wound won't even scar. A nice bandaid will do the trick.

The question falls on deaf ears. The little detective just stares at the cut, face blank, non-responsive, her eyes just watch the blood flow to the surface. Her arms wrap around the one leg, slowly rocking in place, self-soothing.

Sam tries again, "Bunny?" Alex and Sara come in, evaluating the scene.

Kara has Lena in her lap and they are pushed back towards a far wall, but they are in-ear and eyeshot. Now, baby Lena lies calmly in her Mama's arms, sucking away at her fingers, surrounded by the strawberry-scented warmth they both know so well.

Alex goes to speak, seeing that maybe Maggie was too far in her head to hear Sam. "Hey bug, I hav-"

The tiny detective cuts her off with a hushed but strained whisper, "Don't call me that...."

All eyes zero in on her inquisitively, Alex tries again, "Baby-"

"Don't call me that!" She roars with most of her tiny might. Seeing the blood escaping her body put her back to that night. The night she felt so hopeless, so uncared for, so lost. She remembers the arrow going through Alex. All the blood, so much blood. All the hours, waiting for the call, all the tears, the screams, the sobs. The tired eyes, the last thought before she collapses limp into her best friend's arms. Mama's gone.

Sam and Alex take a breath. Kara goes to get up and take Lena so the three can have their privacy, but a small chubby hand stops her. Lena shakes her head no, without a word Kara agrees to stay.

Sam moves a bit closer to Maggie, making small inconsequential movements, as to not startle her baby. "Why don't we all just take a minute."

"NO! You-both of you don't deserve to call me that!"

All parties except Maggie and Lena flinch at these hurtful words. Sam and Alex's faces both morph to hurt but then confusion.

"I think Alex and I would really appreciate it if we were to stop getting interrupted so we can talk. We can talk it out Maggie." Sam says coolly. She knows a meltdown when she sees one, she's sure all aliens across the galaxy can see this one coming, and it's a big one.

Even though Maggie told them not to call her any of her baby names, when Sam says her full name, it turns up the notch on her anger.

"No, no, no,! It's no fair! Yo-you act like nothing happened. Like ma-mama didn't get hurt, like she couldn't have died! It's- that's not even why I'm upset, no, I'm angry!" They can tell she is teetering in-between head spaces, and this is dangerous, especially when she is this emotional and livid. "We had called, we called and called. You didn't pick up, you didn't answer, you said you would always answer! But I get it, emergency and all that shit, bu-but, it still hurt. I wanted to be there, but you said stay home! I listened, I didn't want to but I did, I didn't want to leave Lena so we stayed together." Maggie wipes away fallen tears.

"You said you'd called, but you left us with nothing. You left me Mommy...." Sobs wracked her body, the tears soak the shirt below her, she doesn't care about appearances anymore, she's letting it all out. After weeks of keeping it all in, she is done playing happy family.

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