Chapter 47: Little Lena Luthor

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Kara wakes up groggily with a weight on top of her. The shorter girl is sprawled on top of the reporter. Her right arm secured around Kara's waist. Dark hair everywhere and it tickles the edges of Kara's eyes. The blonde doesn't move it though, she is happy to lay here till she can sense Lena fighting between wakefulness and the peaceful sleep she was able to slip into that night.

It's almost ten minutes of Kara laying still when she hears her little one's heart quicken and she can feel the weight on top of her shift.

Kara shifts herself, hand clutching onto the smaller woman. She props them both a bit upright, trying to help the girl adjust to being awake. The reporter finally gets to brush away the tickling strands from her face. She kisses at the bridge of Lena's nose and that gets the girl to slowly open her eyes.

"Mm" Lena shuffled just a bit closer to Kara. She takes shelter in the croak of her neck, leaving just enough space for her to breathe.

To Kara's surprise, she takes her right hand and quickly shoves her two fingers into her mouth.

Kara smiles at the girl who decides to close her eyes again. She kisses her forehead, "Oh, I still have my little star this morning?"

All Lena can do is grunt in confirmation. Kara rolls her eyes at the lack of a verbal answer, "I should have realised you can't speak before a shower." Kara slowly floats them both up and into the bathroom."Well, and coffee but none for you today."

Kara starts the bath, the tiny CEO still in her arms. "Hope, the time?" The A.I pings and dims the light without prompting.

"10:24 in the morning Ms. Danvers."

That has Lena jumping, but Kara quickly calms her. "You won't be going into work today. You finished all you needed for a couple days yesterday, I want you to relax."

She checks the temperature of the now-filling tub with her hand and then seats the girl on the closed toilet lid. With little help from the sleepy girl, Kara takes both of their clothes off and then floats them both inside the bath. Kara sits just behind Lena so she takes advantage of the backrest and closes her eyes once again.

The washing was tame. Kara thought it would have gotten the girl talking but it didn't. Kara didn't mind though, she filled the silence with singing, which Lena enjoyed greatly and Kara did talk to herself.

Kara was upset that she did not bring any of Lena's toys for the girl to play with but she figures that she wouldn't have played with them anyways. This Lena seems like a more cuddly clingy girl today and the Kryptonian doesn't mind that at all.

Once they are washed and dried, they brush their teeth and wash their face, along with using the bathroom which Kara neglected to do before the bath. This is a learning process. Kara dresses in joggers and a tee shirt. Lena picks out one of Kara's hoodies and shorts.

"Come now, let's have breakfast." The reporter stretches out her hand for her girl to take but all Lena does is pout and crosses her arms in protest.

Kara fake pouts, "Aw, am I gonna have a difficult day today? I would really love my good girl Lena" Lena blushes and looks at her sock-covered feet, "She can use her words?" Kara was hoping to get a verbal response. Lena shakes her head instead and outstretches her arms to signal she wants to get picked up.

Kara recalls her conversation with Alex and Sam about when Maggie would get nonverbal at times so Kara does not push anymore since it does seem that today rather than definitely being quiet, Lena just doesn't speak.

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