Chapter 49: Have Mercy, Please Don't Let Me Go

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Everything is a blur for Kara, literally and figuratively. The reporter was on autopilot. It's been two weeks since the synthetic Kryptonite wreaked havoc on Sam. They have no idea why she had this adverse reaction to it and it's getting frustrating because they are nowhere with development.

Daily life has taken a toll on Kara. She feels as though she hasn't had a moment to breathe. There has been an uptick in crime in National City and the mood seems to have spread to the neighbouring towns. Kara has had to take on more work than she usually would.

None of that accounts for having to take care of four grieving people. Kara has known Sam the least. They have a great relationship with one another but it isn't on the 'sitting down and gossiping' level yet. Both of them have had a hard time since the Reign incident. Of course Kara doesn't hold a grudge against the girl, it's just underlying anxiety that won't be shaken just yet.

Kara wishes that she was the one to sink into the coma instead. It's a horrid thought, a self-pitying thought, she just can't help but feel so helpless in all of this.

Alex has been a wreck, trying to cope with feeling like she has lost a part of her soul and having to deal with a destructive Maggie. Kara can tell that it's tense, there has been no arguments, no outburst, but the silence is just as bad. Maggie had gone back to work three days in, having taken too many sick days off recently isn't looking good and she can't put off work any longer. Since crime has been rising, she is being worked twice as hard with cuts and bruises to prove it.

Alex knows she has to take care of her little girl, but Alex just can't bring herself to force Maggie to slow down. Maybe it's selfish but the agent feels just as lost as she knows her little girl is.

Lena has thrown herself into her work. She has taken on the role of CFO so her workload is piled high. Sometimes the girl falls asleep at her desk. The Kryptonian just sweeps her up into the midnight air and doesn't mention the tears she's had to wipe away the next morning.

Everyone is stressed. Everyone is sad, broken, angry. They have no idea what to do. They have all put their brains together to try and fix Sam. They gave the synthetic Kryptonite a week to flush from her system, they tried the red sun bed, yellow sun lamps, and blood transfusion. For fucks sake Kara even tried praying again but nothing is working.

Sam's heart races at odd times, she breaks into a sweat. Her adrenaline spikes and the only hope this family seems to be holding onto that Sam is mentally alive is the pain-filled screams that rip through the Kryptonian at odd hours of the night.

It's a piercing sound. One that is seared into each one of the memories, an image that they hold onto, Sam beat red face, her hands crushing at the bars, thrashing body, angry heavy tears soaking the blue and white hospital gown.

It's a nightmare that they all live through, one that they wish they would wake up from.

........Day Seventeen, DEO Med Wing........

Alex has been staying at work more, sitting more on the sidelines directing her team at Winn's console. They still have no idea what is going on with Sam. They can't tell if she is still in pain, if her wails of agony give any sign, it's that she probably is. Alex can't shake the feeling that something is wrong though. She has tried her hardest to study Sam's physiology, comparing her bloodwork to Kara's and Clark's. The agent is at a standstill.

"I have no fucking clue how to help her!" Alex is alone in her office, sifting through paperwork, many of them identical. Copies, having sent for blood work just to make sure nothing was screwed.

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