Chapter 56: Loving Argo

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The take-off into space started a bit rocky. Maggie nearly had a panic attack and she was close to just launching herself back to earth, she would have if Sam wasn't holding onto her with all the strength she could muster. Maggie is not a fan of flying, the unknown, the dark. She could blame this on her little self but she knows that these fears probably were the things that contributed to this form of trauma coping in the first place.

The ship isn't small, maybe 3/4th the size of the main deck of the Waverider. J'onn has upgraded since their last space endeavour. There's a small bathroom with space to walk and stretch their legs. Only a small fridge and sink with limited water though. But it's not like they need to take a shower or something for a trip that will take less than two days.

Once the ship levels out, Kara quickly unstraps herself and does a few stretches, muttering something in Kryptonese that Sam can't even make out. Both Lena and Alex are familiar with what Kara is doing, she uses these tactics to ground herself. Because no matter how much she is familiar with space, it is almost always a constant reminder of what she saw happen to Krypton and the 40 years she spent trapped in the Phantom Zone.

Kara quickly makes her way over to Lena to help unstrap her and the shorter girl basically flies to the window and points out every star naming them all and the constellations they are a part of.

She points to a particularly bright blue one, noticing its sparks flying about. "One day I hope to be the first to see one so I could name it."

Alex gets out of her seat and walks towards Lena ruffling her hair, despite the girl whining about it messing up her do. "Oh, do you now?" She smiles down to the CEO, "And what would you name it?"

The girl looks down at her toes, pink slightly colouring her face.

Alex hugs the girl to her side, face lighting up with each striking fire of the faraway bundle of stars. "You don't have to tell me hun, it's up to you."

The tiny girl twiddles her fingers, feeling a bit self-conscious about it. God does she love the stars. Ever since she was a child it was like a safe haven, a place that she would dream about going to. She imagined its peacefulness, the silence that would bring tranquillity to her ever-piercing thoughts. Even though she had just started taking trips into outer space, it's become a second home. She'd live out here on a floating rock with just Kara and her stuffed animal Oliver if that were an option. But she wouldn't want to leave the rest of her family behind.

Lena goes back to looking at the stars, "I don't wanna name it till I see it, gotta be special."

Alex subtly beams at the girl, "I'm sure it will be, love."

The shorter girl goes on and on to Alex, with the blonde Kryptonian listening in the background about all the stars. They have heard some of these stories already but they let the girl talk on, loving her love for all things space.

Maggie can't quite catch her bearings. Alex knows that, offhandedly listening to her bug struggle behind her, but Alex wants to give both Sam and Maggie space to settle and not feel hovered or pushed into getting up and walking about.

Sam goes to take off her seat belt but the tiny detective firmly slaps the helping hand away.

"I know you're frustrated right now, but please respect me bun, we do not hit." She takes the shorter girl's chin in her hand and the CFO gently raises the girl's face to her eye level.

Maggie whines, Sam can see the tears welling in the girl's eyes and the harsh swallows from her trying to kill the cries in her throat.

"It's ok Mags." Sam gently swipes her littles hands away. Sam goes in to try and unbuckle the girl again. Once the shorter girl is freed she launches herself in Sam's lap and buries her head in Sam's neck, shaking like a leaf in fear.

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