Chapter 52: Happy Happy Birthday!

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It's been four days since their discovery. They have shared their findings with scientists, Lena has made sections of her department make finding a 'cure' for Sam a priority; of course, funding it herself. So far they have spent almost two million dollars to get absolutely nowhere. Eliza came in a few days ago, wanting to visit and help as much as she can with their current situation.

Eliza is one of the best Xenobiologists in the country, in the world and she isn't getting far either. But it's only been a week, they are hoping that things will progress soon. They have hope. That is one good thing that has come out of this week; Kara finding out that they have to stay positive has helped them all tremendously. That isn't to say that being hopeful isn't hard. You can't fake it, having hope isn't something you can act like you have. You can say it all you want but your heart knows what you truly hold.

They all take their turns going into Sam's room every day. Maggie has finally gathered up the courage to see Sam by herself, no one says anything when she walks out nose red and face puffy and scrubbed raw.

........ Day twenty-six, Arias-Sawyer-Danvers Household........

They all have a proper dinner this week. It's hard for them to cook, to even smell food and look into the kitchen to find only Kara and Alex there without Sam hounding them about putting the proper amount of seasoning and not accidentally burning the vegetables.

Both girls are little today, it was hard not to be. So many emotions run rampant. Maggie decided to take a leave of absence from work two days prior. Now having nothing to do with herself has put her in a slump. She hasn't talked since then. Alex is worried, so is Lena and Kara.

Alex has been babying the girl. That's something Maggie has struggled with in the past and the agent fully expects Maggie to fight her on this but nothing of the sort came. Maggie was content to cling to her Mama. She liked to be fed, bathed, and waited on, hand and foot. But she knows something is missing, someone. It hurts.

........Day twenty-eight, DEO........

It's rare for them all to be at Sam's bedside on the same day and at the same time. They know if they were to glance at each other while they pay respects to Sam that they might all end up in tears and some of them have to go back to work after the visit, so it isn't ideal. Today is an exception though.

It's Sam's birthday.

They sing the girl a little happy birthday song and Lena and Maggie blow out Sam's candles. "Rao, I can't believe she isn't awake for this," Alex whispers to herself.

The girls don't seem all that sad, they are definitely happy to be eating cake. They all decided on baking the cake themselves. It took five tries to get the cake right. Two burnt ones, one undercooked, one too dry and one baked with salt instead of sugar. Number six was just perfect. Topped off with rainbow sprinkles and her name carved onto the top with red and black icing.

Maggie has started to talk again, albeit, just short sentences or calling for any of them for anything with just a soft call of their name. The girl's spirits have gotten back up. Lena noticed that the detective looked lost without going to work so they have been spending time together in Lena's office. Sometimes they would play and Kara would have to Supergirl her way onto Lena's balcony to wake them up because they fell asleep on the couch colouring.

Alex and Kara let the girls have their moments, they talk to Sam as if she was awake to communicate back to them. "Gia no!"

Both older women get taken out of their musing to look at Lena's cheeks and fingers covered in icing. Maggie wears a self-satisfied smirk with just a dollop of icing covering two of her fingers.

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