Chapter 43: The Freedom of Comfort

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"Hello Ms. Luthor."

A tall man with an almost dark golden-like complexion. "Mr. Ounnefer, it is lovely to see you here." He comes from the African branch and has volunteered to take over the silent action at this event.

"Thank you again for letting me take this over. I'm very excited - I've never felt happier with the work we are doing."

Lena smiles politely, she is beyond happy that her company can do this for the world, she is happy that something like this can happen at all.

The Luthor makes her way around to greet all of the attendees and once she makes her rounds she settles in an area with her family, finally.

"Hey guys. Sorry, I've been-" Her eye catches a shorter woman with a blood-red dress on. "Is that?"

Alex looks over her shoulder and takes a sip of her champagne. "Yup. Lucy and Andrea. Honestly, didn't see that coming."

Kara slaps Alex's arm. "They are just friends, the incident, only happened a month ago, Alex."

Alex rolls her eyes, "It's been a month, but we all know that James and Lucy were done at least five months before he gave her that dramatic parting gift to signify the end of their relationship."

Sam looks over at the two. They are laughing and trying to keep their voices down. "She has her sparkle back." The brunette Kryptonian smiles through the words.

Alex takes a sip of her whiskey, "I really and truly do not want to give Kara's boss the shovel talk though."

Kara curses under her breath. "This is gonna make for an awkward game night if she invites her over."

Lena rolls her eyes, "It doesn't have to be you know."

Kara says, "I bet you fifty dollars that she hounds me about an article I turned in two minutes late."

Lena shakes on it, "Deal."

Maggie shoves Alex, "Shhh, they're coming over now."

Alex scrunches up her face, "I wasn't even talk-"

Maggie pokes her to quiet. "Hey Luce, you clean up nice." The detective gives the shorter girl a hug.

"I see that I stand corrected." She grabs the detective's hand and twirls her around, "You in a dress, I did not expect. You look absolutely stunning"

Maggie smiles, "And it's a plus that it's not against my will or for undercover."

The detective shifts her focus to the taller woman. "You must be Andrea, I'm Maggie." The Latina rolls the r perfectly, she puts out a hand to shake and gives a warm smile.

"Nice to meet you Maggie." Andrea greets all of them, and wasn't expecting to see most of them here tonight. She usually hates things like this because they are usually filled with huge obnoxious egos and white men who try to cop a feel of her ass and she can't really do much to show her displeasure lest she get labelled a hormonal snowflake who can't take a compliment.

It's two hours in and they make good conversation. Kara has to admit that having her boss present in a non-work setting isn't as off putting as she thought it would be. Seeing Andrea like this without her girl boss energy radiating and suffocating the Kryptonian, if felt nice. She is actually getting to know the women and Kara can safely say that she cannot wait to beat her on game nights.

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