Chapter 33: Fight On

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The day starts out in rapid succession. Gideon blares the alarm startling everyone out of sleep. Three out of the four littles wake up crying and Gideon is left apologizing profusely. The ship's alarm was set to alert the ship's occupants on any changes in time and/or the location of Storm. It seems that Lena's device attachment picked up a signal and now Storm's location is more accurate, along with the time. They didn't expect a time change, it was first for later that day at ten, now it is midday at three. This took away about seven hours of extra preparations they were relying on.

At this new information, everyone scrambles, going to their assigned tasks to make sure everything is prepared and ready for their inevitable fight with Storm.

Gideon has informed the Legends at headquarters the situation, they are all on their way with the jump ship to give them a helping hand.

Both Lena and Zari have tapped out of their mind space, they have their bigger mindset take over when they realized that they need all the help they can get. Granted, Lena and her toddler-sized body can't help much with the heavy lifting but she is good at screaming orders, channelling her inner CEO. Zari helps Winn with the gadgets, making sure they are charged and ready to go. They could be going overboard here but nobody wants to take a chance.

Sara, the team leader, is doing her tasks mostly in solitary. Deep down, she knows that the child is hers, whether they are from another Earth or not, she knows that she might have to take their life, she has no idea if she will be able to come back from that. On the other end of her brain, it makes her think. I could have had this life, I could have been them. It hurts her to think about, both Zari and Charlie do their best to get her to stop beating herself up over this but they can only do so much. They know their focus should be on this current situation, they have faith that at the end of the day that their mama will be ok, they will make sure of it.

By now Sam and Alex would have been worried that Maggie has been in her little headspace too long. But per the DEO scientist and Doctors' analysis, along with Alex's own knowledge, that the de-ageing process can revert their minds to go along with their bodies. Factoring in and out that both girls have established age regression mentalities already, the mental de-ageing due to the Blue Sparkles would have more of an effect on their minds. In other words, there is nothing to be worried about when it pertains to their mentality, they can go back and forth, just their usual little to big switches.

They aren't worried about her mental health but they are still keeping an eye out on her, on both girls.

It's about twelve when the rest of the Legends get there, they don't wait for the instructions, they get right to helping out where they can in prepping for the trip back to National City.

Once it's time to leave, Sara does a couple of cursory laps around the temporal zone for the non-accustomed passengers so their stomachs and heads aren't too disturbed from the jump.

Thirty minutes later the ship exits the zone, to the correct time period. Winn isn't sick like his first time, having the mind to not eat before this kind of trip. Lena and Maggie do the breathing exercises Charlie taught them before they left and are chewing on a slightly larger than before piece of mint gum. The taste is almost overwhelming that they have to breathe out of their mouths but it's worth not having to feel so queasy. The residual headache settles for all of them when the ship is landing at the city's DEO underground base.

J'onn immediately meets them at the entrance, "Alright J'onn, Alpha teams 1-3, the clock has about two hours left, we need to prepare them." J'onn acknowledges the Legends and the others and quickly follows Alex to get the teams ready in the larger briefing room. On the way the agent grabs her tactical gear and shoves her travel bag into her office without a care.

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