Chapter 57: Ring Around the Rosie <Epilogue>

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........National City's Elite Security Prison | 03:24........

James feels lost. He was once at the top of the world. Best friends with both Kryptonians, one of them licking at his heels for attention another he once had pining for him, almost dated for fucks sake, he had her! He had his suit, custom-made by a boy genius just for him, he was a goddamn superhero for fucks sake. He had all the glory, look at him now.

I'm in a goddam supermax prison with the people I put away.

James here's a chuckle next to him. He craned his neck to look towards the cinder brick wall, as if he would be able to see through it to the person next to him.

"Oh how the mighty have fallen" The voice sounds again. It's thick with amusement. It chuckles hard, James knows that voice.

Luthor, Lex Luthor

Lex settles in his bed when he can hear the jingling keys of an incoming guard. The evil Luthor gets himself comfortable, just wishing he can watch what's about to play out next.

The guard unlocks James' cell, motioning for him to come closer. James looks sceptical, he scrabbles to the far end of the cell, sensing this won't end well.

"What are you-" The guard comes rushing in, putting a hand over the man's mouth to silence him.

He leans closer to James, and the shorter man can feel a sharp object almost piercing through his side.

"This is for Lucy." The guard says loud enough for others to hear, then the man shives him.

James' body for the last time, slums on the ground with a quiet thud. The guard quickly leaves the scene, but before he leaves, he slightly slips a set of keys to James' next-door neighbour, and takes a thick envelope then makes his exit.

Lex snatches up the keys and opens his cell door. Most cell mates are asleep, others watching on but with no interest.

The Luthor easily slips out of the prison, happily skipping down the streets with his newfound freedom.

Ring around the Rosie

A pocketful of posies

"Ashes, Ashes"

Lex chuckles maniacally, "And we all fall down.... Some harder than others." The Luthor drawls out before entering a perfectly placed safe car, smiling at the freshly dry-cleaned suit in the back seat. He leaves behind Metropolis Federal Prison, drawing closer to National City. Home to Supergirl, but more importantly, his only familial love.

In the prison, they find the body the next morning, along with a vacant cell. What's left in it, a note to Lex's dear sister.

To Ace,

I can not wait to reunite with you again my dear sister,

With Love,

Your favourite brother,

~ Lex Luthor 

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