Chapter 54: "I wanna go home!"

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........ Day Thirty-One | DEO, Sam's Room ........

It's bright and early, exactly a month since Sam has been in the DEO hospital getting weaker and weaker by the day. It is hard for the entire family having to sit by and just wait for Sam's heart to finally give out. The doctors don't have hope.

But they aren't the people that matter to Sam, what Sam needs is hope from her family.


Lena and Alex have been doing what they can with the information gathered from Lex. Lena has had a horrible migraine for the past couple days. She did not account for what the device could do for her own mind, instead making it just powerful enough to not fry Lex's brain. It's taken a lot of the energy out of the younger Luthor and she finds herself waking up in random places with hours of time missing. No one has said anything so it's either they haven't noticed or they just don't want it to look like they have. Either way, this is for the best. Lena can't take a break, she has a friend who can die any day now and she has zero time to give up for that conversation.

Maggie sits in the back of Alex's office playing around with scratch paper, drawing little doodles here and there, the rest of them don't notice her sour mood, they have no time for that anyways.

They all are now gathered in Alex's office, sifting through notes, trying to find something they think they are missing about the new information they have gathered from Lena's visit to Lex.

"Ok so we know that somehow we are invisibly connected to Sam, this hope thing, I'm still not certain how or why it's.... You get it, it's all weird." Alex huffs out the last part. They have no clue how their feelings play into Sam's well-being. Them even uttering genuinely the words hope towards Sam sends signals to the woman's brain, in a good way. It makes them all feel good to know that Sam is still in there, she is still kicking.

Lena chimes in, glasses on with a blanket covering her lower half. She isn't one to get comfortable in the workplace but they have been here for a while and her back and eyes were killing her, Kara insisted she at least get in comfy clothes and have a blanket for moral support. "I think it somehow has something to do with her experience with being Reign." They look at her with questioning eyes, "We know that Sam was present during her Reign episodes, but she had no control. We know that under Red-K that Kara ...." Lena wants to be sensitive to her girlfriend, she doesn't want to seem like she is calling her out.

The reporter gives Lena a soft smile, "We know that I acted out every minor and/or major bad/evil thought that went through my head. I had zero impulse control."

Alex nods her head at that, "Yes, we know that what Sam is going through right now is opposite when we look at her chemically. It's like what you went through during Black Mercy. Instead of it being a dream, she is stuck in a nightmare."

Lena's brows furrow, "I think we could assume that she is going through the thoughts she has during her time as Reign." Lena pulls up a paper and highlights some chemical and genetic markers. "We can also assume that the Red-K is amplifying it where she has zero control over what is going through in her nightmare."

The CEO hands Alex her papers, the redhead nods her head along, agreeing with the summation of data. "The components from what we have dubbed 'White Mercy' are the same as the other version so we can say that Sam's stuck in there until someone goes in to get her out of this."

They all nod their head somberly at the information. Alex says, "We can assume that she probably has no clue what's happening isn't real?" Lena looks away and nods her head slowly anyways, this makes Alex breathe a hard sigh.

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