Chapter 22: 'It doesn't even hurt.'

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It's around four in the morning when Lena startles awake to a dark room, a sliver of light peaks through the slightly closed bathroom door. It's not one of her usual wake-ups, the anxiety that was left in her when Maggie and herself passed out from exhaustion crept up on her, waking her up into fear.

The raveness looks round the room frantically, trying to find something so she can center herself, something her mind can grab onto so she can be held steady, something she can grasp to make her feel safe. Her flight instincts are gonna kick in, her heart beats faster than whatever dream woke her.

She doesn't sense a body stir.

The blonde Kryptonian wakes to blood rushing through vital organs and gasping breaths. She slowly wakes herself up a bit more, trying to be conscious enough to handle what seemed to her like a regular night terror. She slowly sits up and scoots herself closer, gently so as to not startle her girl.

"Lena, baby?"

Lena's head snaps to the sound, her eyes bulge a bit at the intrusion, and her brows then settle ever so slightly at the realization.

"You're home." The once frantic CEO lunges into the reporter's arms, Kara almost topples them over because she didn't have enough time to open her arms wide enough for the sneak attack of hugs.

Lena doesn't cry much in Kara's arms, which should be a good thing. But for emotion-filled nights like these, she would usually let out what she needs to, in the form of crying, sobbing, sometimes even panicking, even with no tangible danger around.

Kara is happy that nights like those are few and far apart since they've moved in together.

Lena's state right now is a bit alarming. The dark-haired woman is just sitting there, motionless in her girlfriend's arms. Barley squeezing enough into the hug for Kara to feel.

"Is Alex ok?" At that, Kara sits Lena back a little, so they are facing one another and are able to look into each other's eyes.

She gently answers in a low voice, cautious not to disturb the peace of the house. "Yes, she is ok. She's a tiny bit hurt and will be back to kicking ass in no time. We'll check tomorrow to see if she is a good candidate for your nanobots program so she should be good in another day or two."

The youngest Luthor hangs her head at that. She still feels unsettled, like she doesn't believe it to be true unless she sees Alex with her own eyes.

Lena tries to get up, but the blonde stops her from moving."I wanna see her."

"Baby, she's resting. I can hear her heart, it's ok. You, on the other hand, need to try and get back to sleep."

At that, the Luthors' tears fall, just a little though. She sniffles at the effort to conceal her upset.

"Come on, it's ok, let's try to get some more rest. I'll make you french toast for breakfast."

"You mean Sam will make me french toast for breakfast." She snuggles a bit close to the blonde Kryptonian, with that, also trying to stifle her laugh.

"Hey! That's.... Accurate, but totally mean." Kara tickles her side and Lena yelps at the abrupt touch and squeals and tries to shuffle away.

They settle a couple of minutes later and not even ten minutes after the tickle fest, the reporter is softly snoring next to her still wide awake girlfriend.

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