Chapter 48: Justice Smells Like Revenge, There is Nothing More Satisfying

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"Get the fuck out of my house." The older girl didn't even have to raise her voice to get her message across. Lois clings onto her sister's body, securely wrapping her arm around the shorter girl after feeling Lucy stubble back.

Clark looks at Lucy and then up at Lois's, he can feel her eyes burn him harder than his cousin's heat vision. "Lois, what's going on? It's Jimmy." Clark steps between the two when Lois starts to let go of Lucy and advance towards James.

James steps forward in defence, his lying mask off now. "You can't believe her, she's a lying bitch!" James waves his hands in anger at the shorter girl.

Lucy doesn't know what to do with herself. She can't move, she can't speak, all she can do is look on with fear shivering through her bones. She knows she is trained in combat, she's gone through goddamn military training day in and out; training for combat even though she was just a lawyer. She's just as good as any soldier, maybe even better. Lucy can't for the life of her figure out why she can't pick up her two feet and stand up to him.

"I swear to god Kal-El if you don't remove him I'll-"

James lunges forward and in one swoop, well two, he is hanging by his collar in between two strong Kryptonian hands. One pair of eyes glow blue and the other red.

"What the heck is-" Clark tries to get in between his fuming cousin but Kara drags him up by his collar too.

He put his hands up in surrender. "Ok, I don't know what's happening," He motions for her to put him down, "but I would like to."

James was stunned. Kara loosens her grip and quickly checks on Lucy. Lois doesn't want to let go of her sister but she can tell the smaller girl is angling for the blonde, she promptly lets go of her sister's hands and Lucy barrels into Kara's arms.

James has had enough. "I made one mistake and am accosted for it!" He spits out angrily.

"You fucking shot her!" Sam grips his firmer, "Twice!!" She is careful not to break his arms but making sure it hurts just enough to get the point across.

"It was her fault! She-"

Sam covers his mouth with a cloth and superspeeds him into makeshift cuffs. "I'll take him in." Sam grabs him by the back of his shirt and then senses something out of sorts.

"What the fuc-" Sam's ears ring with the pain-filled groans of both Clark and Kara. Sam quickly smothers the Kryptonite, crushing it and then tossing it into a large metal tin Lois has managed to get. The Kryptonite doesn't affect Sam, or so she thought.

She makes her way towards him but she stumbles and her vision goes blurry. She is rendered unmovable. Writhing in pain on the ground, skin burning much like how Kara described how Kryptonite felt, but it seems to be having a stronger effect on the Kryptonian.

Sam couldn't fathom the pain then, she can barely now; she promptly passes out with quiet voices ringing in the background.

James has gotten out of his bindings. Both Clark and Kara can't do much from their current position. The new Kryptonite is still affecting both Kryptonians and they can't do anything but look onto James with fury.

"Fuck you Kara." He throws his clothes at her and grabs some of Clark's things. Before he can make it out the door, he hears a gun click, which makes him smile.

"Oh sweety," he steps closer to her, and she holds her position, stance a little wobbly. "You couldn't do it then," He steps closer, smile growing watching Lucy shake, "You can't do it now."

His right-hand raises to touch her face, if it was anyone else, this would look sweet and endearing, but his condescending attitude kills the growing daisies.

"I still love you, no matter what, ok?" He goes to slowly push the gun away from being pointed at his chest.

"Step away!" Lois comes from behind holding her own weapon. "Just because I have a Kryptonian at my beck and call doesn't mean I'd rather not protect myself on my own." Lois gives him a look. His hand is still on Lucy's gun.

They both eye his position for a second. In a flash, James disarms Lucy in her state of shock, pushes her out the way and still goes to aim the gun at the Major.

Lois is quicker to draw, she fires three shots.

Two pass through James' chest and the last one in his abdomen.

Through the doors burst in the DEO, better late than never.

James lays on the floor, blood pooling from the wounds, it will be a miracle if he survives-No one is in a rush to get him to safety though. Medical teams take the barely breathing body carefully, still bound by their oath to do no harm.

J'onn carries out Sam while the agents properly pack away the Kryptonite and gifts it to a recovered Superman.

Kara is back on her feet gravitating to Lucy but not overcrowding her. Lucy has yet to say a word.

Lois is scared that her sister isn't talking but Kara is quick to ease that worry.

Kara seats them both on the couch, hand resting on Lois' leg patting her knee in comfort. "She is probably in shock, but she will get through this. We will all be, together." Kara gives her the best warm smile and she can tell that it soothes Lois just a bit.

"How did you even get here so fast?" Lois knows that Kara is looking out for them so much because it takes a lot of power to tune her super hearing all the way from National City to Metropolis.

"I heard Lucy call, she was whispering, it was hard to tune into. I thought someone was calling for Supergirl." Kara pushes her hair from her face, "She just kept whispering and then I heard 'Kara' and the last thing was help."

Lois nods her head, "I'm glad Sam was able to come too."

Kara shakes her head in affirmative.

Kara looks at her watch and a few messages from Alex about Sam.

"Look, I would offer to take her but I think she needs you right now Lois, go and be with her." Kara shoos her away to the bedroom where Lucy is now resting.

Kara gives Clark a hug goodbye, "You guys fly out soon with her. I think it's best to have her recover at home, a familiar place."

Kara gets three pings on her phone, "I have to go now, I'll see you guys soon?"

Clark nods, giving her one last hug, "Hopefully. Fly safe Kara."

Kara takes off back to National City aiming towards the DEO.

Once she makes it there, the DEO is running rampant and the reporter can't for the life of her figure out what is going on.

"He-Hey! Winn!?" Winn zooms past her, "Winn, what in Rao's name is going on?"

Winn is beat red, huffing from exhaustion, "Its, she's, Sam she's-"

Kara pales. All sorts of scenarios run through her mind but Reign bounces in her brain the most.

"Please don't tell me it's Reign." Kara cringes at the name.

"No, it, maybe this is worse. She-"

The Kryptonians' ears pick up a sharp cry coming from Sam, Kara leaves Winn spluttering. 

A/N: Sorry for being MIA, anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter, Things are gonna get more angsty and downhill but remember it can also go up! 

~ Alexei <33

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