Chapter 42: It's All Fun and Games

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It takes a while for Lucy to recover, the nanobots could only do so much.

"Hey Luce, you're still coming to the Gala Friday right?" Lena takes a bite of liquorice. The five of them decided to invite Lucy into some of these laid-back hangouts. They feel guilty that they weren't there for her but that isn't the reason why they are doing this. They all know the last thing Lucy needs is pity.

"Yea, I'm all healed, I don't need crutches or a wheelchair." A week ago was the last week she had to be brought to the DEO to check her incision and do some more scans just to make sure everything is going the way it is supposed to. They still haven't found James, which surprises Lucy and doesn't at the same time. He is, well, was, the Guardian and seemed to have learned a lot from the criminals he put away.

It was frustrating for everyone involved but it's been a month and a half and Lucy is finally starting to feel safe in her new home, with people who love her truly.

Alex gets back from the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn and cheese puffs, Kara behind her with cans of soda and water for the group. "This is the charity for at-risk youth or the one for the LGBTQ+ community fundraiser?" Alex says with a mouth full of cheese puffs.

Lena snorted, "It's literally neither of those." Kara laughs at her sister.

Maggie hits Alex on the back of the head, "It's called Cultural Soul. It's a fundraiser donating to multiple organisations. There will be a silent auction and all the money goes to a charity of your choice to organizations that focus on culture and the education of 'in need' minority children." They all look at Maggie inquisitively.

The detective rolls her eyes, "anyways...." Maggie looks at Lena, "You're not the face of this right? No offence but you're like, not exactly the proper face for this."

"Yes you are right, I have Keynote speakers that have come forward wanting to be in the spotlight. I'm only attending as a buyer, I'll only be mentioned as the host and that's all."

"Which of you three are wearing the suit?" Lucy hasn't seen all of them go out before and she has been wondering how outfits work for them.

Sam answers with a smile, "You'll just have to see." She winks Alex's way which makes the redhead blush from the tips of her ears.

"You and Maggie are totally wearing the suits aren't you?" Lucy says with a knowing tone.

Maggie gets up to get napkins, "You will just have to see, maybe you'll be surprised." She smiles while she sits back down.

Lena takes a bite of a Twizzler and cuddles into her girlfriend's side. The CEO is a bit tired due to all the last-minute planning she had to do instead of handing it off to her secretary, who is sick with the flu.

Kara grapples onto Lena's hip to pull her impossibly closer. "You ok babe?" The Kryptonian whispers into Luthor's ear. With a nod of her head, both women turn their attention to the movie on screen.

Movie night commences and they all get through three movies before they clean up the area and get ready to go to their respective homes.

"Gala starts at nine, I'll have a driver pick you up at eight-forty-five Luce."

Lucy nods her head and gives everyone a hug.

"Oh, you don't mind having a ride with someone do you?"

Lucy eyebrows crinkle, "depends, who with?"

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