Chapter 27: Into the future! Well, what's in between it.... I think?

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All parties get buckled into seats and Captain Lance takes the captain's chair, Gideon types in the coordinates for the temporal zone after synthesizing car seats fit for three-year-olds.

Lena made a bit of a fuss for not being able to sit in Kara's lap but relented when she was told that there would be no take-off if her three-year-old body wasn't in that car seat. Maggie was the same, but was upset for other reasons. The tiny detective resented being put in a child's safety seat but silently loved the comfort the padded material brung.

Once Captain Lance brings everyone into the green warbling void, the six new members feel extra queasy once Sara puts the ship into its park position.

Sam can see Maggie looking miserable. "Mo-Sammy, I don' feel well...."

Sara makes a sympathetic noise, "really sorry I forgot to tell you about that. It gets better with each ride though." Sara brings herself to the console.

"Alright, Cap has control of the ship, we can unbuckle now. I'll get you lot some gum so your tummies won't feel too bad." Charlie scurries off to her room to bring them back spearmint chews, to tone down the nausea.

Alex unbuckles first at that, she rushes over to help unbuckle Sam and then she goes over to Maggie. Sam pulls Maggie into her lap and she rocks them side to side, soothing both of their tummies in the process. She knows how much Maggie fears throwing up, the uptick of anxiety can exasperate that queasy feeling.

Alex can see Kara struggling to get her own belt off, she can see her hands shaking a bit and her forehead crinkles is prominent. She goes over to help both her and the baby CEO.

"Kar, you ok?" She can see the blonde take deep breaths in and out before she speaks. She tries to get the buckles off one last time but falls short and then lets out a huff of frustration. The red-headed agent takes this as her cue to help her little sister out.

"Yea, just-it's dark and stupidly ominous and quiet. It reminds me kinda of the phantom zone, I know it's stupid, its-"

"Kara, its me, its not stupid, your feelings matter, they are valid. I got you, ok, you're not there, you're here with me, Sam, Maggie and your baby Lena." Alex smiles at the end of that small speech. The agent goes over to the little Luthor and unbuckles her while her sister gets her bearings.

Charlie comes back with the spearmint and gives everyone two pieces, she breaks one of them into two halves and gives them to each little.

Sara wasn't too far away from where Kara and Alex were conversing so she heard what the blonde reporter had said.

Cautiously, the former assassin questions the blue-eyed Kryptonian. "Phantom zone, you've been?"

Kara snorts, "Yup, but definitely not by choice. I was stuck in my stupid pod floating through there for twenty-four fucking years." She says bitterly. She doesn't say anymore after that.

Zari listens in. She herself rather hates when they have to be stalled in the temporal zone. It makes her teeth grind, she hates having to be surrounded by the dark, the endless loop of nothing, just dark endless space, void of sound. But sound isn't much of a problem when in the Waverider, there's always someone screaming, she can count on Mick bitching when he's drunk, and he's always drunk, there is never a dull moment.

The boys and Ava are out with the jump ship back at headquarters doing something where no one can get hurt and/or killed, this mission needs scalpels, none of them come close, they are all relatively hammers, but the girls have less 'flourish' to it.

If there is a day were Zari, and sometimes Charlie can't take the darkness or the lack of noise, she covers the windows in a VR-type display. It will make you feel like you're anywhere in the world.

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