Chapter 26: G6-084

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For the umpteenth time, the now physically regressed littles have woken up from a sleeping state. It has been six days since the incident, DEO now calling it The Blue Sparkles case.

All five parties over the days have gone back and forth between the DEO and each couple's homes. So far, only Maggie was able to give blood and do the more invasive parts of tests, even though she had her reluctance, it did help that the entire time she was in her bigger headspace. Over the days the adults all have noticed the changes in Maggie, her reluctance to speak, they all know that this might not end well. Her thoughts take over. What if I lose myself completely, we don't have a clue on how this works or what the hell is going on. I can't lose who I am, I just can't! Refusing her headspace for this long, it can only go downhill. They all just hope that they will be there when not if, she crashes.

Lena seemed to stay in her little space, probably unknowingly. The three-foot child was only ever able to have her blood pressure taken, and even that led to tears. The baby has been completely Non-verbal since her outburst at the DEO from the beginning. Refusing to answer any of Kara's questions when asked about the person she was referring to.

Kara knows that this muteness is probably from a brief flashback, trauma that her little girl has endured while living in the Luthor household. They all can guess that it was probably Lillian or someone who worked for Lillian. Kara hasn't forced Lena to do any more tests, they show how Maggie handles it, they ask if she will try, she just buries her face into Kara's shoulder, they leave it there. Other than a bit of fussing when she's hungry, the baby Luthor has been an angel.

She eats her food, even the veggies they all know she would usually hate, it takes her longer to eat them, she tries to hide her gagging, they pay no mind though, saying something would probably freak her out, she cleans her plate the best she can. She is silent at bath time, just bobbing the starfish set at the bottom here and there. Since adding Maggie the second day, she has been more receptive, Maggie indulges her and plays, Lena does seem to enjoy it. The girls are both pliant, they bend at their mommy's wills, which is unusual, but it all sums up to stress and anxiety.

Neither girl asks for anything. Maggie just asks for help when she needs to use the bathroom and Lena grabs onto someone's hand and drags them to the bathroom for help.

If the baby raveness isn't sitting in Kara's arms, it's either Sam or Alex, she is almost always touching one of the adults. They surmise it's for safety, whatever her brain is telling her, makes her walk and sleep with fear, fear that she tries to hide but they can all feel it radiating off of her tiny body.

It's Monday morning, it's been about a week since the incidents. The routine has stayed the same: Wake up, breakfast, shower. The girls have a bit of TV time. DEO, lunch at the DEO, then home. Snack then nap, wake up, another snack. Playtime, dinner, bed then repeat.

Once at the DEO on this fine Monday morning, Kara, once again, tries to coax her girl into having her blood work taken.

"I know you're scared baby, but this is important. We need to know that on the inside, that you are really ok."

The tiny CEO looks at Kara with scrunch-up brows. I am ok! Lena wants to voice these thoughts out loud but the words fall short on her tongue. While sitting on the hospital bed, she holds tightly onto the blonde's arm while she lets the doctor take her blood pressure, no tears this time. That's a win, I guess.

Once Maggie finishes her rounds, which took exponentially longer than Lena's tests, they have lunch in Alex's office. For the kids, grilled barbeque chicken nuggets and fries with apple juice diluted with water, none are the wiser.

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