Chapter 31: A Storm is Coming

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It's been about five days since the five women and Winn have boarded the ship. The group has gotten a bit further, with the finding with Storm, Ava and the others have been very helpful and think they will be narrowing down on the location of Sara's alternative earth's child.

Zari and Charlie have been in and out of little state, they are more likely to drop now that they have other littles to play with. Charlie has warmed up to the group faster than Sara has estimated, she is grateful for the time her girls spend with others. Both Maggie and Lena have been little the entire time, Lena comes out of the state here and there to help with the science portions of research and analysis, even in her little state she is able to help, leaving everyone with smiles.

Its seems as though Kara has gotten to the root of her little girl's stress, a couple of nights ago when Lena once again rejected comfort from Kara, the reporter decided to try and sit her down to talk it out, it is not like her baby to not want cuddles, kisses, and lovey time.


Kara is putting little Lena to bed and every step of the way her little girl wanted to be independent, even though it was apparent to both of them that Lena wasn't capable of doing everything by herself. Her little one had one too many little accidents while trying to go to the bathroom by herself, she realized that ripping off the button to her pants would be easier, but that task still took up too much time. The little CEO turning on the hot water instead of the warm one for her bath, filling the tub up way too high, Gideon alerted her just in time before her little one took a freezing dive.

Kara felt like it was her big adult brain fighting her little side, making her confused. She lets her baby have time for herself, quiet time, she lets her wash herself while Kara is there next to her, she lets her pick out her own clothes, brush her own teeth.

At this moment her baby is trying with all her might to put on her own nightshirt after having thrown a fit when Kara suggested she was putting it on backwards and her head was going through the arm hole, but of course, her little genius didn't want to take her advice, so now, this is where they are.

It's almost ten and little Lena has her head stuck in the arm of her princess pony shirt, one pant leg on while the other hangs between her legs. Kara would just about keel over if she wasn't so worried about her baby. No matter what she tried, she would always push her away, this is her last straw, she is putting her foot down.

"Lena, baby-" Kara goes to try and take the shirt off carefully but once her fingertips reach Lena's head, the tiny body jerks back.

"No! I got it, I can do it."

It takes a lot from Kara to not lash out at her, it's frustrating for the blonde, not being able to just take care of her little one when she obviously needs it. She knows she needs some sort of independence, some sort of individuality, but this is over the top, they both know she can't do it by herself, but Lena is too stubborn to admit defeat.

Kara breathes out a sigh, she tries to compose herself, so she counts, she counts to ten with her eyes closed and let's go. When she opens her eyes again her little one is naked except for her panties that she managed to put on inside out AND backwards.

"Come to me little star, we need to have a talk." The three-year-old pouts but concedes, she knows she has run out of time, there's no more stalling the inevitable.

Kara seats her little one on the edge of the bed, she gathers up her clothes and lays them beside her Lena. "You know I love you right?"

Lena's eyes are facing the floor, she nods her head yes but says nothing.

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