Chapter 38: A Little Sickness Can't Hurt....? (½)

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Overnight, the girls have progressively gotten worse. Runny noses, weakness, and mild headaches. The girls aren't doing too bad though, the colds seem mild enough. After both Maggie and Lena threw up their before breakfast snack, Alex called Brainy to make sure that it wasn't adverse effects of the antidotes.

"I would say that it is 67% likely that the antidote is having this effect on the girls. Have you seen any residual effects?"

Alex quirks her brow, even though Brainiac is not able to see her over the phone. "Meaning....?"

"Meaning, have you seen any blue sparkles, regression in intellect, memory, personality, and/or mannerisms."

Alex knows she can't exactly answer that question because both girls have been in and out of little space but she can't make out if it is due to the serum.

She puts the call on hold and goes to Sam, "Hey, have the girls puked up anything sparkly or blu-"

There is hacking coming from the couch and then scared shouting. "ALEX, ITS BLUE, WHY IS IT BLUE!" Maggie yells from her spot on the couch.

Alex sighs, Sam goes to her baby with a wet washcloth.

"It seems that the serum is at fault here Brainy. Should we bring them in?" She really doesn't want to have to take the girls away from home, especially if they don't feel good.

"No director, do not be alarmed. This was expected, it just seems the techs neglected to tell you the side effects of the antidote."

Alex sighs, be nice my ass. "So we just treat it like a regular cold?"

"Yes, director. I will let J'onn know you all will be out of commission for the foreseeable future. I will also contact Ms. Hoang and Detective Sawyers Captain for them also."

"Sams got Jess. Thanks so much Brainy."

"It was my pleasure. Do tell them to get better soon."

The conversation finishes there.

Sam looks over Alex while barely catching the bluish goo spilling from her little one's stomach. "So this is the effect of the antidote?"

Maggie sits back and closes her eyes with a groan. Sam wipes off the bit of sweat off of her baby's mouth and hands her a water bottle.

"Yup." Alex pops the 'p'.

"Lexi" The detective whines, "I don't feel well." Alex settles on the couch with her little ones' legs across her thighs.

"I know, it's the antidote. The doc didn't warn me about that. I'm sorry bug."

Maggie huffs, "I don't like being sick Alex."

Alex smiles amusingly, "I don't particularly like you sick either." Maggie squirms in uncomfortableness. The director eyes Sam.

Alex takes the reins, "Ok bug, up ya' go. Let's go potty." It makes Maggie blush, but obey's the best she can. "If you continue this, you'll feel worse than you are now, you can catch an infection. Those aren't fun." Alex takes her girl's hand, "You know we could just have you in pull-ups."

Maggie looks up to her scandalized. "Alex! Yo- Did Sam talk to you? It was a little accident, I- I told her not to say." She whines at the end.

"Woah woah, what accident? Sam didn't say anything about an accident." Alex sits her on the toilet and helps the tot support her weight. Maggie's face pinkens a bit when outing herself.

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