Chapter 55: Comfort in the Simple Things

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It's been a couple of weeks since Sam has woken up. Her recovery was estimated to be a month and so far she has exceeded that. They expected her to have a faster recovery given that the Kryptonian genes are different than Kara's but her time in that nightmarescape has drained all of her cells and subjecting her to powerful artificial sunbeds at this time would do more damage than good. Alex surmised that it could cause a superform of cancer, her being Kryponian would make that disease more permanent than to eradicate it when she is back to her original health.

During this time, Sam has caught two colds and a small stint of strep. No one was prepared for an extra whiny and sick Sam. This also made both littles upset because they had to quarantine her, this news caused a lot of tears, for all five parties.

Dinner for Sam mainly came from an IV or a feeding tube. The Kryptonian did not have the energy to feed herself, and when she did, the food could not stay down like how she wanted it to. She was so averse to eating even when she was hungry that it took a lot from Alex to convince her the tube was the proper choice.

She has started gaining healthy weight which made everyone happy. Alex has been spending the most time with her since her job is just in the confines of the DEO. She does go home sometimes while Lena has made it her job to take Maggie to work with her on some days, other days Maggie stays by Sam's side.

It didn't take long for Sam to order the detective to shower regularly again which Maggie was reluctant but compliant to do.

Maggie is still off of work. Lena had just recently found a stand in for Sam and also now herself after two weeks of having Sam back, so now the Luthor has opted to take a sabbatical, along with Kara. Alex has reduced hours at the DEO instead of taking full time off. Since Sam has spent the majority of her time getting better at the DEO, Alex didn't seem to find it necessary anymore to not work there while she visits Sam in and out.

On month two, the tube was taken out and she is now drinking liquids and eating soft food on her own. Less than what a human her size needs but she needs time to acclimate back to real food. She isn't too happy about it but she doesn't particularly want to be stuck with that aid forever if she wants to get back with her Kryptonian body. Most would think she would like her human side again, but she feels sort of disconnected with herself at the moment. Once she had mastered her abilities, when she finally came to term with the changed, she felt almost complete; Sam doesn't want to give that up.


Now being back at home on her month three of recovery, with doctors order for her to not stress her body too much and to snack as much as possible, Sam is feeling more herself. Her powers still aren't fully back yet but she can feel her strength returning, her super hearing is almost as it was, and her appetite growing to that of a healthy and hungry Kryptonian.

Maggie comes running over to Sam on the couch, "Mommy!"

Sam gracefully takes the little girl into her arms and looks onto her with soft eyes and a wide smile. The Kryptonian hadn't realised how much energy it would take running round with a rambunctious little. Without all her powers, she feels like her legs would give out after a couple steps up the stairs.

During the first couple of days, Alex noticed Sam's struggle, and with much protest, Sam allowed Alex's request to carry her up and down the stairs. Feeling the ripples of Alex's muscles and the visual aid of Alex's strength, lets just say that Sam has discovered something deep within herself that makes her blush like no other just thinking about it. Alex knowingly smirks just a tad everytime Sam chooses to dig her head into her neck rather than look anywhere else. The heat on Sam's face sends a pleasant warmth through Alex. Alex loves finally having her girl home, this 'tension' is effectively preventing the tears from falling. Thank Rao for that.

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