Chapter 10: Small Morning

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The morning comes all too quickly for the Kryptonian. She has been up most of the night doing research on this new thing that seems to be happening in their relationship. She wants to be as educated as possible on this new subject, she wants to learn the right way.

The blonde has mostly come up empty-handed. But right before she decided to call it a night, she stumbled upon the word MDLG. Kara was then sucked into a lot of sexually explicit porn-related graphics she was definitely not prepared for.

Kara knows that this thing is nowhere near-sexual and that's when she decided to call it quits on her search, for the night, she is not giving up though, far from it. This slight bump in the road makes her want to uncover all things related to the little innocent thing laying in the bed next to her. Maybe she would talk to Alex about it later, her sister almost always has the answers.

Kara's slightly tanned lids blink away the remnants of sleep and welcome the soft smile the sunbeams, it always feels like it's just for her. It glistens her locks and colours them with the golden morning shade. Lena always tells her she shines like gold, especially after long nights of sex-induced bliss.

Kara turns over a bit, looking for the clock on the nightstand. It's almost ten. Usually, she would have taken her Supergirl rounds by now but J'onn has taken over her duties for the next three weeks so she doesn't have to worry about anything except taking care of her girlfriend.

The superhero gently maneuvers herself to her feet, wary of the brunette that still sleeps peacefully on the other end of the bed. She was extra cuddly last night, she usually hates it when Kara smothers her, but it seems like she wants the extra attention right now, Kara doesn't mind one bit.

Her paled fingers have migrated from inside of her mouth through the night. They now rest just on the outside of her lips, they drag her lips down a bit, forming them into a pout.

Kara makes her way to the bathroom, deciding on getting ready for the lazy day ahead and also taking a more thorough and satisfying shower. The one last night was barely warm, and she didn't want to leave Lena for long so a gentle wash she had to do. Now she can scald her unscalable skin and rinse away the rest of yesterday's worries.

She is out an hour later, really taking advantage of the alone time. She gets out, steam seeping through the now open door. She is dressed in a t-shirt and joggers, Lena will most likely want skin-to-skin contact. The skin just above Kara's heart is where she likes to reside the most so Kara keeps her hair up and away, free for her girlfriend to lay her head and listen to her steady heartbeat.

Lena still hasn't woken up yet but the Kryptonian can tell she will begin to wake soon. She's stirring a bit, her heart rate is beginning to pick up like it usually does when sleep begins to leave her.

By the time the reporter finishes drying her hair, she can hear Lena's breathing pick up along with her heart. She can hear the little whimper in pain that is followed by a more audible groan.

Kara speeds through putting everything away and then goes to grab the pain medication and antibiotics to prevent infection, along with some water to swallow it all down with.

She searches for Lena's special bottle but realizes that she forgot it at work. Instead, she grabs a glass and fills it half full of water, and puts a pink reusable straw in for her.

Kara walks carefully back in, supplies in hand. The CEO sees her and goes to sit up but is met with a sharp stabbing pain in her rib region, it feels like she's pulling a stitch.

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