Chapter 35: The Littlest of Minds

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Maggie groggily opens her eyes. Errant sunbeams pierce through the crudely closed blinds, clouding the girl's already fuzzy vision. The detective groans and shuts her eyes, she shifts and tries to flip over to get away from the warm rays. Her movements disturb the beds other occupants, her mommy in particular isn't too happy with the early morning moving.

Sam's hand lands firmly on her little one's bottom. She tries to pat her back to sleep, a movement they have all gotten used to and works nine out of ten times.

After the seconds firm pat, Sam's hand freezes in mid air and Maggie lays stock still along with it. Sam's mind catches up with her senses. Her hand was slightly sticky, to confirm her suspicions, she placed her palm on the girl's bottom again. Much to Maggie's silent pleas not to be checked, but her whining goes ignored.

Like Sam thought, Maggie was wet. Around the Latina is shredded clothes and a shrugged off diaper.

"Lex!" Sam whispers.

All the redhead does is grunt. It's barely nine and Alex was hoping for at least eight hours of uninterrupted sleep this week.

Sam takes the now fully grown Maggie into her arms and hugs her close. She tries to pour calm into the brief cuddle to reiterate to her little girl that it's ok that it's a bit wet and that she did nothing wrong.

"Alex." Sam still gets no response. The brunette rolls her eyes and gently floats out of bed with Maggie still in her arms.

"Alexandra, get your ass up and clean the bed please. 'M takin' Mags to shower." She says harshly and loud enough to frighten her redheaded partner. Maggie laughs in the taller woman's arms as Alex rolls out of bed and hits the floor with a thud.

The little (not so little anymore) clings to her Mommy's shirt while she floats them into the bathroom. Her body shivers under the aerated bathroom. Sam switches on the lights and dims it to the lowest setting, giving her girl the time to slowly get used to her surroundings after waking up not long ago.

Sam muses in her head while she prepares the bath that the accident must have happened while Maggie was still in her toddler body. The sheets weren't soaked and the diaper looked well used. The taller brunette accesses herself as she puts the girl on the clothed toilet seat. Well at least I'm dry.

She strips herself and turns on the shower head and quickly rinses them both. They are out in a flash and she deposits both of their bodies in the heat visioned warmed bath water.

Maggie doesn't notice until she raises her yellow toy duck out of the water that she is in her bigger body. Her brows furrowed in confusion. She is happy about being back to normal, she can't seem to snap her mind back along with her body and it's frightening her.

The little looks up at her Mommy with wide confused eyes, they are glossy like they are on the verge of tears. But she doesn't exactly know why she would be crying.

"Mo-mommy?" It's hushed, gravely and light with sleep.

Sam stops soaping up her baby's body. She adjusted her to be sitting snugly between her legs and gently caressed the girl's tummy.

"It's alright bunny, be as little or as big as you need. You've been through a lot of stress these past few weeks." Sam gently kisses the top of Maggie's damp head, her baby sighs and snuggles her back against her mommy's chest. "It's ok to need this. It's ok to need us."

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