Chapter 36: No love loss for someone who never really loved you

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Kara quickly flies over to their penthouse so they can stay at Sam, Alex, and Maggie's home a little while longer. She contemplates asking for Snapper to give her another extension on her current pieces but she shuts that down. J'onn has already disguised as the reporter and asked for two already. Snapper has a short temper already, there was no way he would tolerate her late work again. She makes it back to her sister's home and tries to speed through the five-piece and the one puff piece she got as punishment for 'slacking'.

After lunch, the girls sit on the couch watching Wreck-It-Ralph. Maggie replaced the paci with her thumb and Lena with just the tips of her fingers in.


Sam was in the kitchen cleaning up, throwing away wrappers, and cleaning up the dishes that they had to use for the girls. Sam's ears perk at her given title. She dries her last plate and puts it away in the cabinet. She picks up a paper towel to dry her hands on her way to take a seat next to Maggie.

"Yes, Bunny?" Maggie curls up to her side. With a second thought, Maggie climbs into her Mommy's lap and takes a seat squarely in the middle.

Maggie's actions make Sam smile. "Oh, so my baby wanted snuggles today hm." Maggie snuggles deeply into her Mommy's warmth with a sigh of contentment.

Sam's arms go on autopilot. One hand rests on her littles lower back and the other starts to pat on her bottom for comfort.

To Sam's surprise, the material squishes under the pressure. Sam was happy that her little girl decided to embrace this new aspect of their relationship but she definitely did not expect her "grown" Maggie to actually use the product. Sam isn't mad at all, she is totally fine with Maggie continuing to use protection, but she knows Maggie will probably be mortified when she realizes what's happened.

Sam kisses the spot next to her baby's ear, the contact elicits a giggle and has the little Maggie squirming.

She kisses the girl again and pats her bottom, "Come, up you go, I gotta get you changed."

This shocks Maggie. The detective's head shoots up from the crook's Mommy's neck and she looks at her in horror. Maggie forcefully throws herself back into her adult head space. Stupid, so fucking stupid.

"Sam, I- It didn't. I didn't mean to, it just, I-" Maggie is bugging out, to her, it's justified.

She enjoys the feeling of the padding. She remembers how it first felt, she was embarrassed to have to use it but she got used to it when she was physically regressed to a three-year-old. She never expected to love it so much, and even then, be willing to wear it now.

It makes her feel safe, comfortable, hugged even. She never expected this, sitting in sopping wet protection on her girlfriend's lap like a child. It all has her earlier trepidations roaring back to the forefront of her mind and it has her reeling.

Sam senses the stiffening body and she sees Maggie take on this far-away look. Sam takes control and swiftly, but softly, floats them both to their room for privacy.

Sam puts Maggie on her feet and shuts the door locked behind them. Alex is in the shower with the bathroom door cracked open a bit. The room holds a humid feel to it due to the shower's steam. They can smell the faint fragrance of Alex's shampoo.

"Maggie," She puts a hand on her girlfriend's shoulder, "it's ok. You did wear it for that, can't let it go to waste." Sam tried to joke about it but it didn't hit like how it was supposed to.

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