Chapter 58: Authors Note

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Hello to the girls, gays, and nonbinary folk and everyone in between or outside this wide spectrum, this has come to an end :((. Writing this story has been such a joy, that sentence made me sound fifty, I am in fact just 20 lol. One of my favourite parts in writing this story was actually writing the titles. I had to try and use a few words just to summarise the entire chapter, I feel like they are kinda creative. Lol most don't even read the title but I literally love just going back to read it. Anyways,

I'm glad to have written this first entry and I can't believe I've stuck to this for so long. I've never been so determined to do something in my life. So much has happened since I started this story and I hope that what has happened wasn't for nothing. I'm glad that this book has brought people joy or even the slightest of smiles. I appreciate all the comments, the likes, and interactions. Thanks for following along with me on this journey with these special people here. They are the people that keep me going. I'm glad that some of you have made some self-discovery. It makes me smile that this fic has had such an impact on people. I'll be back in a couple of months. School is getting more rigorous, and I've finally got my first stable job, along with living on my own now (I wrote this back in January, i'm on my second job and not on my own anymore unfortunately) :(, so I can't promise I'll be back soon BUT I will be back in less than eight months I think, which gives you guys a semi-solid time frame. Maybe I'll be back in January, who knows?

I hope you enjoy this art piece, it took me a minute.


So much Love,

~ Alexei :)) <33 

~ Alexei :)) <33 

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