Chapter 19: NERVES

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The rest of the day continues on smoothly for the five of them. For most of that day, the detective stayed in little space but just after dinner, she sinks back into her adult headspace. Around six, dinner was made and just as ten hits the throuple leaves the Luthor-Danvers household; just in time for Maggie's bedtime.

....Three week time jump....

Alex and Sam have noticed the freeness of Maggie, they can sense how much happier she has been lately. The detective's cases have been mild during this time. Alien-related cases have been in a lull, but there is no complaining coming from her.

It's Friday for the tiny officer and she is pumped to get home and snuggle her girls.

Maggie's phone buzzes as she raps up some paperwork she took on from a colleague of hers. They just had a baby and she figured it would be nice if someone did this for her, she was having a good couple of weeks, it's due time for some charity. Payback to the universe for good fortune.

The brunette checks the message as she puts the finished paperwork on the sergeant's desk, it's from Sam. Which right away strikes her as unusual because it almost always is Alex around the end of her workday. It's to check that she is ready to be picked up, Sam checks in during the middle of the day, not the end.

Sammy: Ima pic you up today, im five mins out. Lov you bun

Maggie leaves the message on read and gathers up the rest of her things to meet her girlfriend out front.

This is a rare occurrence so the detective is a bit anxious. If there is a change in pick up, these things usually get discussed in the morning rather than last minute. There would be somewhat of a warning at least an hour before. Maybe something happened to Lexi?

She rattles those thoughts away almost as soon as they come. Sam probably wouldn't have texted her like she did if something serious was wrong. And the detective has not been called into a crime scene so it can't be that bad. The office isn't buzzing with word about an alien attack that they need to help with so far, it can't be that bad, right?

Sam is waiting by the curb with the passenger door open, she's smiling at her Latina girlfriend.

"Hey babe." The Kryptonian says and pecks her girlfriend's cheek.

She guides her into the seat and buckles her in snug then rounds the car and situates herself into the driver's seat. She smiles at her and softly pulls out of the temporary parking spot and starts their route home.

Maggie notices that the smile is more subdued than usual, maybe even a bit forced, but she says nothing, deciding that if it's important Sam will tell her in due time.

The detective leans a bit to her left, gently takes Sam's right hand, and holds it over her lap. She starts to play with her fingers. The slight crack in her window lets in enough breeze to colour her cheeks slightly pink due to the frigid temperature.

"Not that I'm not happy to see you, but it's always Lex that picks me up." The detectives leaves the statement up in the air for Sam to catch.

"Yea, she just got stuck with Supergirl downtown, this was a last-minute thing, she couldn't get to the phone fast enough."

Sam grips onto Maggie's hand a bit harder, growing a bit tense, Maggie doesn't inquiries on these anxious tells out loud though.

"We are actually gonna head to Lena's place, it could take a little while longer for everything to get cleaned up." Sam turns a bit and shoots Maggie her first genuine smile so far. Interesting. "Even though our resident genius is mostly healed, She can't be alone for any longer than she has so far already. So therefore we are gonna keep her some company, hows that sound?"

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