Chapter 11: Sun Kissed

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The Luthor-Danvers household is quiet during breakfast. Kara feeds her pieces of fruit here and there from her own plate and Lena scoops up bits and pieces of eggs and vegan sausages while keeping her eyes firmly planted on the cartoon that still plays.

Lena still doesn't say much, just giving little nods if asked if she wants more fruit or another drink.

"You need water now, you have already had two juice boxes." Lena pouts and grows frustrated. She shoves the empty carton into her girlfriend's hands. I just want my juice!

Kara takes the empty carton and looks sternly towards her raven-haired girlfriend. "Lena, that is not how you ask for things."

Kara isn't exactly sure where the motherly tone came from, they both look at each other a little shocked.

Shortly after the initial shock has worn off, Lena hangs her head down in shame, refusing to make eye contact with Kara, in fear of getting another harsh reprimand.

"Sorry, water please?" She risks it and lifts her head a bit, taking a peek at her blonde girlfriend through her dampened eyelashes. Kara doesn't say anything, she just shoots her a small smile and gets up to get the same glass and reusable straw she used earlier. She fills it up a bit more than halfway and sets it on the table for her.

The day proceeds on, she lets Lena watch her cartoons, which seems to be something Kara has to put a limit on if this goes on in the future, and that is something she doesn't seem to mind. Lena had a nap an hour after breakfast, having a full belly and still battling a mild concussion makes her constantly a little tired.

Kara gets some stuff done, still keeping a close eye on the injured CEO. It's almost four, Sam, Alex, and Maggie should be on their way.

The superfriends have a game night about once or twice every other month. This thing they do, Maggie, Lena, Alex, Kara, and Sam, is every month every two weeks. They find that this small secluded group gives them room to breathe and have fun. Sometimes they would play board games, watch movies or even have painting contests. Which Kara or Sam seems to win every time, it's the Kryptonians genes! They have an unfair advantage.

But one thing they always do is make dinner. With the requirements of their demanding jobs, doing this allows them to have at least two propper non-greasy meals twice a month.

This works for all of them, they haven't missed a date yet. They each look forward to it. Lena, looking forward to the company and the ever-lasting feeling of being wanted. It's always hard for her, trying to tell the other side of her brain that she is loved and wanted while battling on the daily with the logical side telling her, 'they will leave you soon, you're just gonna mess it up.' Having these fun days helps quiet the indigent voice.

Maggie, having the same feelings, having the family she never thought she would have again. She enjoys the company she can now call them her new family. She is still hesitant, always ready with one foot out the door, so if they do push her out, she can land on both feet instead of her face. But she's learning, learning that this kind of love lasts, and it lasts forever, no matter what.

Kara, loving to be around the people she loves the most, having all of them surround her with

everlasting warmth. She watched her people die, then had her adopted father die for what felt like her fault. They say she was just a child, but deep down she can't help but feel responsible for the events that led up to his death. She is reminded, every day, by this family, that she is loved and is worth all costs. She is special, super or not. She deserves a happy life.

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