Chapter 23: 'I will check more.'

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The blonde reporter slowly comes to, sun barely over the horizon, beating down its warm rays over her groggy face. She slowly feels around to the spot next to her, seeking early morning cuddles with her girlfriend.

"Lee?" The cold spot next to Kara's overheating one makes her shoot straight up and frantically listen for her lover's beating heart. The Kryptonian only settles when she recognizes two other sleepy hearts surrounding Lena's, all on the couch settled on top of one another.

It's almost eight so Kara decides to take a shower and get ready for the day spent mostly at home. She makes it out in the common room forty-five minutes later to Sam in the kitchen slaving away a breakfast made for thirty.

"Mornin' Sam." Sam hands her a large cup of coffee to the Kryptonian, even though the caffeine-infused drink doesn't affect her Kryptonian cells, she greatly enjoys the flavour and sugary goodness; it's a great start to the day.

"When did that," the blonde motions to the three sleeping bodies on the couch, "happen?"

"I don't really know to be honest. I know Alex got up around four or so because she was hungry, I heard her stomach growl. I heard her talk to Lena, I thought it was best for that to be worked out between the two themselves. Maggie must have gotten up before seven, that's when I woke up to an empty bed and came out here to check if she was there. Then, bam, three cute little bodies." Sam smiles at the scene on the couch. She can only imagine the emotional torture they both went through after her radio silence, she will be apologizing for years to come.

Her eyes catch a sippy cup filled with what looks like to be tea and wonders who exactly was fed from it. The taller Kryptonian makes it back to the task at hand and cooks up six-packs worth of regular turkey bacon and it's vegan alternative.

"Hey blondey, when you're done with that coffee, cut up the fruit." Kara gulps the rest of the sugar down in one sip and chokes on the liquid.

Sam lets out an exasperated laugh, "that was deserved." The reporter puts her hands up in surrender, still coughing up the liquid trying to make its way to her lungs.

"Hey Kar." in turn the reporter hums in acknowledgment. "Have you talked to Lena yet, about the age play stuff?"

Sam is curious, she doesn't want to seem too nosey but she only asks because she knows that Kara and Lena are willing to share just about anything with her, Sam herself being the most level-headed out of any of them.

"Yes actually, she refused to continue the conversation when I first brought it up. Later that night, it was maybe two weeks ago, she came home from work and just about crashed." The blonde Kryptonian blows out a breath but it ends in a smile.

"The next day we spent most of it cuddled up together, we are nearly done with the talking phase of this dynamic but it's a lot to soak in so I'm giving her a reprieve. I really don't want her to feel overwhelmed, this all is supposed to roughly be a destresser, not add on extra anxieties. I've explained most of it to her the best I can, she knows that not much of it would be different from our 'usual relationship,' just different instruments and rules integrated into what we already do. She likes the overall idea once she got over the shock and ah of it all."

Kara washes the cut-up fruit and continues, "Her mannerisms aren't all entirely new, she goes mute when upset, she likes skin-to-skin, she's always sucked her fingers, I didn't find out until we moved in together, she never knew that I knew, she's tried to keep it hidden, for obvious reasons. When I told her I've known for a while before the night we got home from the DEO, 'cause that's when she saw that I saw, she was really embarrassed, but she got over it quickly once she realized that she's not the only one who's like her, she doesn't see it as weird anymore, or 'bad'. She's kinda excited to explore it all, she wants to try. In all honesty I'm really happy she's doing this, it can make me feel even more complete than I already feel, ya know?"

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