Chapter 9: My Little Star

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Night comes quickly enough for the pair which Kara is grateful for.

Kara looks down at the peaceful creature before her. Lena is still fully asleep but her mouth has stopped her suckling ministrations. Her teeth still hold gently onto her tender fingers.

Around nine, the driver calls to inform them that they are ready and waiting in the nine-block parking lot.

"Ok love bug, time to get up," Kara says calmly, brushing the brown locks that have made their way onto Lena's face.

Lena has never been a light sleeper. Ready for whatever comes her way. But when she is exhausted, she is basically as useful as a brick, maybe less than. The battered CEO stirs a bit, curling in on herself, looking ready to just sleep for eternity. She goes to turn and groans in pain, then let out a pitiful pain and sleep-induced whimper.

"Are you in pain?" Of course, Kara knows the answer, but she wants Lena to confirm it so she can give her the right meds. To Kara's question, Lena can only nod her head in response. She tucks her head away into the bed's pillow and pulls the covers just a bit above her head.

Kara can hear her tiny sniffles. Lena has a hard time expressing emotions and letting go. Kara has done well in reteaching her that all of her emotions are valid and she is allowed to let her anger, sadness, and happiness out. The Luthors did not provide the proper environment for an impressionable four-year-old. She was taught that her emotions are a weakness and showed them even more so. Lena has cried in front of her, earlier has shown that Lena does have them, but that was bound to happen.

Lena has to deal with regular murder attempts, they basically have been written in her daily schedule. With having brushed with death so many times, you're bound to crack. And this latest one is breaking Lena at her poorly patched-up seams.

Kara gets up slowly, cautious of her movements as to not disrupt the girl lying on the bed in pain. She makes her way to the far end table where the doctor has put the bottle of pills for Lena to take for the pain. She takes two out and grabs a water bottle she had Alex pick up before she left. It's one of Lena's favourites, it has a rubber straw that she loves to chew on, they have to get replaced now and then but Lena can't help but chew.

She walks back over, shuffling to the middle of the bed, and pats her lover's arm gently. "Drink up and take these." Lena sits up slowly, leaning heavily on the pillows to the back of her. She takes the two pills and downs them with the water. She grimaces at the bitter aftertaste.

"We have to get ready to go, our car is waiting. Im gonna help you get ready, ok?" Lena nods without looking up to Kara. But Kara sees this weird look that rests on the surface of her features. It's a faraway look Kara has had the pleasure to see a few times in her relationship with Lena, and on the rare occasions where Lena slept at her apartments before they got together.

Kara gets the Lena-sized DEO sweats Alex brought by earlier. She nudges Lena to sit up and the reporter maneuvers her gown off with minimal effort.

While dressing Lena, the blonde tries to avert her eyes from the numerous bruises that scatter her girlfriend's body. Kara knows it's not her fault but it's hard to separate the blame part of her brain. She knows that Morgan was the one to hurt her Lena, she does, but she was supposed to protect her, twenty-four-seven, no matter how unrealistic that may be. She was downtown trying to stop an alien from killing kids playing at the park. She didn't notice Lena's elevated heartbeat till the alien was to be escorted to the DEO.

Kara shakes her head to try and get rid of the ridiculous intrusive thoughts. Lena is here, and that's all that matters.

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