Chapter 32: You're My Home, and I Am Yours Too.

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For the remainder of the day, and three days after that, everyone has put all their energy into working and trying to come up with a solid plan of action. Everyone is in their bigger head spaces, sans Maggie who has not been lifted from her emotional induced drop yet. Nobody is upset though, they can't be, her mental health is important, her Mommy's are very accommodating.

The only thing that seemed to upset the little one was the lack of playing partners she had.

Four days later, little Maggie has slowly been equaling out of her little space. She no longer needed to be spoon-fed and changed regularly. But after a dream, even a good one where she wakes up for the slightest of seconds, she still seeks her Mama's comfort. She has taken to the suckling routine at every chance she can get, sometimes she even tried while having a bath, and when she was refused, bathtime didn't go as smoothly as they hoped.

She has noticed subconsciously that her Mama has relaxed, taken a huge liking to the act just as she has herself. She can sense and feel her Mama's slowing heart rate, even breath, it puts such comfort into her.

Lexi has been less on edge than Mommy, she's noticed, which says a lot because Mommy is always the level-headed of the two. Maybe getting suckies from her will help just like Mama. The little tot concocts a plan.

She's in the 'play room' by herself, having quiet time, she is spending these moments colouring. She takes out a new sheet of paper and a sparkly purple crayon and gets to work.

"At bedtime, make mommy feel better." On the sheet all you can really make out are three circles on top of one another, one smaller one, and one with extra long legs and long hair. She flourishes one of the figures with short hair drawn on with a red crayon. Perfect!

The day goes along smoothly, Maggie is on her best behaviour, and everyone is stressed but they try not to let their own emotions and grievances affect the people around them. Maggie watches from the sidelines while people scramble about the place trying to find parts, plan their plans, it is kinda all dizzying for the baby.

Lena has helped the most throughout all of this, her genius brain is turned up to 150%, even in their tinier headspace. There is no stopping her from running formulas in her sleep.

About midday, Gideon alerts them all that Storm will be in National City at ten to midnight on Thursday. This time frame gives them about a day to finish preparations and a good night's rest before this unseemly adventure. Just before dinner is to be prepared, everything gets done and everyone can finally relax. Lena is happy at this fact, she regresses a little after bathtime once dinner was finished being eaten. During bathtime with Mags, she let it be known she would like to have a sleepover, all parties agree eagerly.

Kara is grateful for this, she hates seeing her little one so stressed out, she thinks this will be good for her. Kara has noticed that little Lena sheds her shyness and reservations. This version of her girlfriend is more carefree and open, it makes the Kryptonians' heart bloom.

"We habin sleep ober!!" the baby Luthor yells while running into the throuples room, holding onto her sheets and pillows. Sam quickly stops her and scoops up the objects before her babified friend can trip and land face first onto the ground.

"Baby, you gotta be careful." Sam chastises.

"Sammyyyy" The little girl blushes, the nickname makes her feel good, really good and kinda special. It makes her feel weird too, like when Kara kisses her good morning and says I love you randomly or tells her she's done something great, it makes her stomach flutter. The feeling is odd, but not unwelcome. Like butterflies are trying to tickle their way out.

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