Chapter 21: Bleeding Heart

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.... Sam's view of what happened right after she flew off of the balcony....

Agent Red breaks the sound barrier with ease. On her two-minute flight, she tries to keep a leveled head, knowing that jumping to conclusions would benefit no one, least of all herself.

She lands on the scene with a thud sound as her boots hit the pavement, unfazed by the turned heads Not everyone is a fan of the new hero, some want to see more of her, they are rather put off by her elusiveness, others would like her gone completely; it is being speculated by those others that Agent Red is Reign revamped. Some are wary, and she doesn't fault them for that at all.

She turns her ear to tune into her girlfriend's heartbeat, satisfied that it is still beating, a little faster than usual, but whose heart wouldn't be if they were shot out of thin air. Sam speeds where the heart takes her, which is by an ambulance on the far end of the scene.

The redhead is sitting up comfortably as can be in one of the ambulance beds, sitting just outside the doors of the vehicle.

"Hun, are you ok?" Sam tries not to make a scene, knowing that interacting like they are girlfriend while she is in uniform can draw unwanted attention. Nobody but the superfriends know that Sam was Reign and is now Agent Red, more people than Sam would have liked but it would be weird that Sam leaves the same time Supergirl does on occasion.

Sam quickly looks over her girlfriend with her X-ray vision for any broken or fractured bones or injuries that can't be seen with the naked eye.

"I'm fine, peachy, reaaaaally." She punctuates that exaggerated really with a toothy smile. Alex tries to blink away her grogginess, making it apparent that she is high off her ass on pain meds. Her eyes aren't entirely focused, but usually Alex wouldn't take hard drugs like these if they are offered when she gets medically checked out, rather save her badass reputation and take the pain no matter how severe. Sam sets her eyes on Kara, not depending on Alex to answer her questions when she is barely sober and thinking straight.

Kara turns to her sister, "you missy, are not ok." Kara's eyes turn over to Sam, leaving her sister to play with her hands, giving her something to do. "Clearly, she is on some meds for the pain. We are gonna take the ambulance to the DEO to get her stitched up properly. They might want her to stay overnight, she had some type of allergic reaction to somethin the arrow was made out off, besides it being infused with murder level kryptonite." Kara shudders at the thought of having to go through being shot with something so powerful, and also on the other hand, feeling bad that her sister risked dying so Kara wouldn't get hurt, the blondes heart is tugging in all directions, it hurts, and not in a good way. She lets out an exasperated sigh.

"I am def not stayin there, the med wing is such a mood killer. I feel like 'm on top of the world, wait no, the moooooon. Did you know I thought it was made out of cheese, Rao I love cheese, do you got any Sammy, 'm kinda hungry." The moon lights a path to Alex, and she takes this as her cue to summon up her flying powers. She tries to hop up out of bed and flaps her arms as if she has wings to fly herself to the actual top of the moon. She looks more like a baby bird trying to grasp the concept of flying for the first time, it's almost cute, but more funny than cute, blackmail material.

Sam buts in, "Woah there, first you're just high." Sam uses her right hand to guide her girlfriend back into a lying position. "And you won't feel too great once you realize you're human and can't fly. You'll fall flat on that pretty face of yours. Lets not add any more stitches than what's gonna go in your shoulder."

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