Chapter 50: Category 5 Hurricane: Shelter and Stay in Place - Godspeed

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....Luthor-Danvers Household, Day Thirteen....

Lena has been quiet. It's an unusual quiet that Kara wishes she didn't have to sit through. She has spent twenty-four years of her life sitting in absolute silence, save for her own rapid breathing at times of distress and confusion.

She has a bustling city that surrounds her but her ears always tune back into a silent Lena. It's haunting, she can see Lena just phasing through the days and Kara feels as though their progress has been reversed.

The Kryptonian annoyed herself, she is tasked to take care of so many people at once and she has no room to breathe. She knows she can handle it, she is Supergirl after all, but she feels exhausted with the efforts it takes to keep all these people from jumping off this metaphorical cliff.

Kara finds it odd with how little Sam's brushings with death is affecting her. Maybe she is desensitised to that kind of pain and loss. She has dealt with things such as this at a tender age, maybe the everlasting emotional effects death has on people no longer applies to her. It's a scary and fleeting thought. The woman isn't sure whether she welcomes the lack of emotions or not. Maybe she is just overthinking it, maybe this is her brain's way of protecting itself. Maybe she cares so much that she can't possibly begin to comprehend the pain. Is this why I haven't cried yet, can I even-

A set of slightly cold arms wrap around her waist. It startles her for a second but she settles gently into the embrace. "You're thinking too hard. I've been watching you for a couple minutes." Lena squeezes the taller woman's hand in her own, "You're getting lost in that big brain of yours."

Kara almost scoffs. She doesn't want to start an argument. Lena's comment is hypocritical though. Calling me out when you've been silent for days, I can-

Lena's slender finger rubs at the space between Kara's eyebrows, effectively turning the girl into mush. It's a spot that Lena discovered not too long ago, it's like rubbing a spot on a shark's nose that effectively puts them into a state of tranquillity in seconds.

"You were gone again, you wanna talk about it?" The CEO's voice was quiet, shy almost as to what the answer may be. Lena knows that she hasn't been the best person to Kara. She knows that some of her actions were not fair, but it's hard to be self-aware and grieve for your best friend.

The reporter breathes out a solid breath, frosting the bathroom glass in front of her. She almost forgot that she had just gotten out of the shower almost an hour ago, lost in her thoughts.

"Let's get you dressed, it's time I take care of you." Kara goes to protest but Lena raises a soft hand to the Kryptonian's cheek, staring at both of their reflections in the mirror. "I know you love taking care of me, I love it too. But you've been neglected, we both know it. I've been selfish in my feelings." Lena leans a bit closer to Kara, dropping her hand to rest on the girl's shoulder, along with her forehead on the other shoulder. "If Sam was able to talk right now she would tell me to get my head out of my ass and give you the care you need and is well deserved."

Kara shutters at the thought of Sam, definitely can still feel pain, Lena turns the taller woman around and looks at her in the eyes, silently wiping away a falling tear from the reporter's face. "I know she is your friend too, I know that it hurts. I- I'm sorry for not realising that it's important for me to mourn with you and not by myself, we are in this together."

Kara breaks and surges into Lena's arms. They both cry with each other, for each other, tears fall and swarm and mix with one another and they can't possibly have known how needed this was for the both of them. They both hope Sam recovers soon.

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