Chapter 16: Fluffy Filled Morning

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This morning the detective awakens slowly, still unaware of her surroundings, body still infused with sleep. It's like a waking dream, she feels floaty. Panic never settles in, it usually would when she wakes in an unfamiliar place.

When she dreams, it sometimes feels like she's awake. She goes about her day, makes coffee, and toasts a bagel. Then a knock at the door comes, she's face to face with her father, red as his tanned skin can allow, screaming all the words in the dictionary. Then she's back home, hiding under the bed, knowing inevitably she wouldn't be able to move the morning after due to her stiff muscles from the present her father gives her.

Cool air seeps through a cracked window, the winds streams brush her cheeks and hugs her from the waist up. The bright sun peeks into the room, it paints the walls with a golden glow. The beams warm her windswept cheeks.

I've slept through the night? She whispers to herself in ah.

It's been years since she has been able to sleep this good, and wake up so refreshed.

With eyes closed, she feels around to the spots on both her sides, waiting for her hand to connect with a warm body. But they are cold and empty. The detective goes to sit up then, wanting to get up to search for her girlfriends. Maybe a cuddle or two.

As she props herself up, the bedroom door creaks open. A brunette's head peaks in, only the tips of hair can be seen. The hair is on the darker side so Maggie can assume that it's Lena and not Sam.

"She's awake!" She can hear Lena's voice a bit loudly, happiness and slight excitement evident in her tone.

The door creaks open more and it reveals the blonde Kryptonian carrying the CEO, well, floating with her.

On the revelation of Maggie being awake, even though the blonde could have just checked with her X-Ray vision herself, she rather not point that out to Lena though, she seems to be having fun with all this, Kara floats further into the room and deposits her girlfriend on the bed, in the spot next to the detective.

"Sam said she heard you waking up. Lena wanted to come and see if you were fully up yet. She wants company."

Kara pulls the blankets back and rests them snug onto Lena's waist. "We are making breakfast, well, Sam is, Alex is trying and I'm eating the ingredients. I was slowing the process sooooo they sent me away. I'm gonna fly to Paris to get those pastries you like, maybe stop in Dublin to restock some tea.''

"I also have to get more apple juice because someone," Kara looks pointedly at Lena, "decided it was a good idea to drink the six left this morning in one sitting."

Lena huffs. She pulls the sheets a bit further up her torso. "Not my fault you weren't paying attention, and we did get them for me too ya know."

Kare moves behind her and fluffs the pillows for Lena to rest her back onto. "Actually I got them for Maggie, you just started to get obsessed with them." Lena scrunches her nose at that, because she knows she's right.

"I'll come get the two of you when breakfast is about done." Kara leaves on that note, she fully closes the door till you can hear the pin click in place.

"Good morning sunshine."

Maggie laughs at that. The detective is the opposite of sunshine in the morning and Lena is almost always on the short end of that stick.

This morning though, she feels light. Like she can conquer the world with just her smile.

Maggie smiles at the other brunette, She freefalls backwards, back into a lying position and makes an audible plopping sound.

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