Chapter 40: Blue Snot and Getting Shot

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.... That morning, back to the throuples perspectives....

Maggie wakes up early that morning. She feels a bit better than the day before but still sluggish and irritable. She finds a cushy lump under her cheek, she peers open her eyelids and gets a face full of warm morning kisses.

"Hello love, how ya feelin'?" Long fingers find a way into her scalp and it makes the little one want to fall asleep all over again. Last night had been rough and the only thing she can remember is warm arms and soft skin against her cheek. Almost the same feeling as right now.

"Where mama?" The tot gets out, scurrying higher up onto Sam so she can hide in the crevice of her neck.

"Mama is making breakfast for everyone." Sam pats her little girl's bottom, "Time for a change."

Maggie clings onto Sam's tank top.

"I'll hold you once we have a change." Sam feels the bit of dried sweat on the girl's clammy skin.

"How about we have a bath instead hm?"

The thought makes Maggie smile, "Lee?"

It kind of shocks Sam that Maggie asked for Lena to join her in the bath. Sam would have loved it but she isn't sure Lena is in the head space for such a thing, not yet.

Sam floats them to the bathroom and sets the girl on the toilet seat. "I'm not sure if Lena would want to right now." Maggie frowns, "I think that once both of you feel better, you will have more fun when you have a bath together."

Maggie nods her head, even though she doesn't completely agree.

"But you get to have a bath with Mommy, we haven't had one in a long time." Sam tries to cheer her girl up. It has been a while since she got to have a one-on-one bath with her little girl and she isn't happy that it had to come down to her being sick for it to happen but Sam is glad she can be with her in this capacity now.

Maggie perks up at that. "Ok, mommy time." It makes Sam laugh and want to push those dimples every time her girl smiles.

"Alright bunny, the water is warm enough, let's take off your clothes."

Sam pulls off her nighttime protection and tosses it into the trash can. The rest of the clothes in the sink bowl.

Sam warms up the water about three times before they both easily make it into the bedroom to get dressed. It was more of a relaxing bath than a fun one. Maggie was more sluggish than Sam expected and she was right in saying that the bath would not have been fine if Lena was added to it. Sam was happy with the time she spent with Maggie and was gonna heat vision it up for a fourth time but saw her girl's pruney fingers. Sam was disappointed but she made a promise to herself that she will make more time for moments like these so she won't get so affection starved.

Sam sets the tiny detective on the living room couch next to Lena, the latter playing with a fidget while watching Blues Clues on the television, louder than necessary.

The tot whines after being set down on the couch, "Mommyyyy." Maggie is rather clingy today and the detective can't quite put her finger on why. She feels a bit better than the day prior but she still feels ill and this weird residual sloth feeling isn't a pleasant experience. It's annoying to cough while having a pounding headache and it's annoying because she can't help being little throughout it all.

She hates the idea of being out of control and all of this makes her want to just run and hide and sit under the bed sheets till it's safe to come out. And even then she still wants to curl into a ball. It is so odd for her to have such a stable and toxic-free family. She loves it, loves it so much that it's almost worth the childhood she had if going through all that shit was the only way she would make it here. She doesn't believe in soulmates - but having this family, it almost makes her reconsider the myth.

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