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──  ᴏ ꜱ ᴀ ᴡ ᴀ  ᴅ ᴀ ᴢ ᴀ ɪ  ──


Silently shifting my gaze back and forth, I still can't believe that my eyes didn't fooling me or something after I saw a ring in Toji-sensei's left hand, while playing bubbles with my now three year old nephew Megumi, and the other same ring on (y/n)'s right one as she silently sits in the wooden porch at their front and happily watching the two while peeling an apple.

The fuck? When in the world did they get married? Did Odasaku knew it? Then why the hell he didn't tell me?

I just gone for a while, fixing a pathetic mess in this SHEEP's group and solving an unusual pain in the ass Arahabaki Case with a wild midget that possessed a grey eyes and striking orange hair that later on Mori decided to adopt because of his powerful ability to manipulate gravity, then this? 

"Ah~! I feel betraye—"

"Oh, welcome back, Osa-chan," (y/n) warmly said while having her right hand.

This makes both Toji and Megumi stops and look at my direction.

A huge smile instantly slips out in Megumi's lips before he ran towards me and unconsciously let go the bottle of bubble and blowing stick in his hand.

I immediately crouch down and catch him when he suddenly jumps into me. 

Ack! Let's pretend that I don't have a broken arm and shoulder.

Hiding the pain behind my serene expression, I carefully stand up while securely carrying Megumi in my arms.

"Osa-neesan, are you okay?" he worriedly asked while both of his hand is touching my face and checking my right cheek with big medical plaster. "Did you get hurt? Why did you get hurt again?"

I smiled at him first. "Because neesan finished something important that's why she got hurt," I softly whisper before I slightly lean my head at his small right hand. "And sorry if neesan missed your birthday, Megumi. Your Osa-neesan is just busy with her job."

"N-No! No, its okay!" He then quickly encircle his arm on my neck and hug me just like he usually do when trying to console me. "And please always be careful."

I simply nodded my head as a reply before I start walking towards (y/n)-san.

I don't know where Toji-sensei suddenly went, but I can assure that he was not in their house anymore, which is pretty suspicious.

"His suddenly gone?" I asked before I gently put down Megumi back to the ground and gave him a small sachet of feeds for fish. "You know what to do with this, right~?" 

Megumi vigorously nodded his head before he run towards their artificial pond, not far from us, and feed the koi fishes that was living in there.

"Oh, Toji is going to pass our marriage certificate to our lawyer," (y/n)-san said before she shown me her hand where she place her engagement ring. "He just proposed to me last three nights. Then we immediately signed the papers together after that."

"Let me guess..." I then sit beside her, "he drink sake or any alcoholic drink before proposing to you, am I right?" 

(y/n) burst in laughter just like what I expected. "He totally did! After Megumi fell asleep, he immediately get all the alcoholic drinks in the refrigerator and drink all of it. I thought he had a problem or something with his work. But then he suddenly grab my hand and put this ring in my finger and said I already know your answer so I'm not going to asked that stupid question and let's just get marry," she said while still laughing.

Me, on other hand, simply staring at (y/n) as she continue to tell what happened while my mind is also continue to judge Toji-sensei and how lucky he was to have (y/n) as his partner.

Besides her unworldly patience to him, (y/n) also accept every single flaws and sins that Toji did in the past as she tried to carefully guide him back to the life that I know he truly desire. 

(y/n) said that before Toji could even get her pregnant, sensei already warned and told her about his life which I didn't completely expect he will, something about his scornful clan, and the immoral things that he did for a living to earn money and survive. 

I know for sure that (y/n)-san also knew what me and Odasaku was doing just like Toji-sensei. I think she is just too considerate to ask the things that I will never be interested to brag nor elaborate, especially on her and Megumi.

If I also remember correctly, sensei also told her about the existence of curses, cursed energy, and jujutsu sorcerers which (y/n) didn't believe at first, and perhaps until now for herself, because she thought that he is just drunk and blabbering nonsense. 

However, (y/n) said that as long as Toji and me is safe from those monster. She didn't need to make a pointless argument if those beings are really existing beyond a normal perspective. Toji being always truthful and loyal to her is enough for (y/n) to believe whatever he says.

For the past years of her being with that cold bastard, (y/n) also became fully aware and confident that Toji loves her too much to endanger her and their son's life.

Now, I understand. Perhaps Toji-sensei did all of this because from the start, he wants to build a relationship with (y/n) that is not made of feeble wood of lies and doubts, but a strong metallic foundation of truth and trust.

"Oh, Toji is also planning to go to Zenin Residence after he submit our marriage form."

My thought get instantly cut off, as my eyes slowly grew widen, because of what I heard.

"Toji said that his father wants to discuss this important family thing to him. He is really not planning to go even if I already assured him that we will be fine." 

No, stop, I don't like this...

She giggle to herself first. "But I guess when he sees you..."

This uncontrollable feeling...

"That's when Toji also finally convinced himself to go and faced them after a hundredth's or more of invitation."

This familiar awful taste in my tongue that desperately telling me that there is something wrong that is bound to happen.

"I guess, Toji really trust you, Osa-chan."

When I was about to open my mouth and say something, a sudden double vibration in the pocket of my black slacks suddenly get my attention.

My phone...

Many possibilities starts to swirl inside of my mind while I'm taking the phone out of my pocket and see who texted me.

"Is there something wrong?" (y/n) asked when she finally noticed that I suddenly became silent.

Before she became suspicious with my action, I quickly answered her by a smile before I put the phone inside my pocket and act like nothing happened...

"No, its just an annoying co-worker..."

Like nothing will ever happen.

"He just send something quite funny."


From: Mr. Fancy Hat (Chuuya)
Go back. Mori is finding you.

I'm begging you, please comeback.

Or else I will never forgive myself.


MORIARTTI : Jujutsu Kaisen x Bungo Stray DogsWhere stories live. Discover now