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-"Your bedroom

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"Your bedroom."

"Wade Wilson, patron saint of the pitiful." Weasel greeted as Wade stood at the bar. "What can I do for you?"

"I'd love a Blow Job." Wade replied.

"Oh, God, me too." Weasel mumbled.

"The drink, moose knuckle. But first..." he placed a gold card on the bar. "Hey, and I ain't taking any babysitting money, alright? Make sure that gets back to Ms... uh..."

"Orlovsky." Weasel spoke up.

"Yeah, her." Wade mumbled, pulling out some money from his wallet.

"You sure?" Weasel quizzed and Wade hummed. "You know, for a merc, you're pretty warm-blooded. I bet you let the kid off easy, too."

"Oh, he's not a bad kid, Weas. Just a little light stalking. I was way worse than him when I was his age. I was travelling to exotic places, Baghdad, Mogadishu, Jacksonville, meeting know and exciting people. And then, uh-"

"Killing them. Yeah, I've seen your Instagram." Weasel interrupted. "So what was Special Forces doing in Jacksonville, anyway?"

"That's classified." Wade nodded before whispering. "They have a wonderful TGI Fridays."

"Alright, Kahula, Baileys and," Weasle squirted whipped cream onto the filled hair glass, "whipped cream. I give you a Blow Job. I'm- Why do you make me make that?"

"Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly..." Wade sang, placing the shot on a waitress's plate. "Take that over to Buck please, and tell him it's from Boothe. Little foreplay."

"Remind me what good will come of this?" Weasel questioned.

"I don't take the shits. I just disturb them." Wade muttered, watching as Buck stormed over to Boothe, slamming the Blow Job onto the table.

A fight broke out and Buck punched Boothe before smashing a glass over a man's head and they both fell of their chairs.

"Cheers. To your health." Wade smiled, holding up his drink.

"Fuck you." Weasel mumbled, sipping his beer.

"Come here, you fat fuck!" Boothe yelled, holding up a stool.

"That's a new stool." Weasel told them but it was just smashed over Buck's back.

Everyone started fighting, punches being thrown and people jumping on others backs, girls kicking as well until Boothe landed on the floor through a table. He went to get up but Buck punched him again and he fell back onto the floor.

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