。twenty one 。

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Alina ran with Tony and Steve through the helicarrier, turning corners to try and fix the engine which Fury had ordered Tony to do.

"Engine three, I'll meet you there." Tony nodded and both Steve and Alina sped off down the opposite hall.

The Super Soldier continued on until they found a door which would lead to the third engine. Steve pulled it open and an agent thanked him, two more holding up another behind. The area around them was completely broken, pieces of jagged metal sticking out all over the place and flames sat on the top of the helicarrier.

"Stark!" Steve yelled. "Stark, we're here!"

"Good." Tony responded and they spotted his suit flying down towards them. "Let's see what we've got. I need you to get to that engine control panel and tell me which relays are in overload position."

Steve jumped and caught himself on a bar, swinging over to the ledge Tony pointed at, Alina doing the same as Tony disappeared past some metal. Alina found the panel and yanked the metal off of the top, revealing what they needed. She pulled out the panel, it being covered in wires.

"What does it look like in there?" Tony asked them.

"It seems to run on some form of electricity." Steve answered and Alina raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well, you're not wrong." Tony muttered.

"The relays are in tact." Alina told Tony.

"What's our next move?" Steve questioned, pushing the panel back in.

"Even if I clear the routers, this thing won't re-engage without a jump. I'm gonna have to get in there and push." Tony explained.

"Well, if that thing gets up to speed, you'll get shredded." Steve shot back.

"So he should keep up with it." Alina shrugged.

"That stator control unit can reverse the polarity long enough to disengage maglev and that could-"

"Speak English!" Steve called back.

"You see that red lever?" Tony asked. "It'll slow the rotors down long enough for me to get out. Stand by it. Wait for my word."

The pair jumped over to the red lever, Steve standing beside it and Alina waiting to see if someone would come around the corner from Loki's side to try and kill them. Two of them started to come up towards them and one threw a grenade which Steve then jumped and batted away, landing on the ledge opposite.

Alina moved from her spot, jumping off of a small piece of metal in front of her and kneed one of them in the face. She kicked the other one in the chest and he fell down, dropping his gun. When the fiat tried to attack her, she moved behind his and grabbed the back of his uniform, throwing him off the hellicarrier and he screamed as he fell.

Another agent had a gun and was hid in the doorway.He started to shoot at Alina but she grabbed a piece of metal, throwing it at him and he moved to avoid it. She jumped up onto a higher piece of metal when he started shooting at her again. She grabbed the gun the previous agent had dropped, shooting back at the woman below.

Alina moved back to get a better view of her when she had dipped to avoid the former assassins bullets. Spotting the agent up against a wall, she shot twice and hit her, making her fall to the floor. She looked back to Steve to see him waiting by the lever again, in case Tony needed it pulled. More agents were moving to try and kill them so she continued to shoot at the ones coming closer.

The Widow tried to dodge one that narrowly missed her head, accidently shoving Steve in the process. He slipped off the edge, reaching to grab a wire that had fallen loose from a pipe.

"Cap, hit the lever." Tony ordered, the fan now spinning with great speed as he pushed it.

"I need a minute here!" Steve yelled back, Alina trying to tug him back onto the hellicarrier.

"Lever, now!" Tony repeated, more urgently.

Alina got him back onto the path but an agent below them started to shoot at them again. The pair ducked down onto the floor, crawling back towards the lever. Steve reached up and pulled it down as Tony yelped, 'Help!' Before the agent could then shoot Steve and Alina, Tony tackled him out of the way.

"Thanks." Steve breathed as Alina pulled him up.

"Yeah." Alina waved him off as Tony planted his feet on the ground below them.

"Agent Coulson is down." Fury told them.

"A medical team is on the way to your location." An agent said.

"They're here." Fury stated. "They called it."


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